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"So," Lavender said, starting off the conversation. "How is the Caribbean?" She asked.

"Not as exciting as you and the police." He said, picking up his coffee mug. Lavender rolled her eyes.


"Could you please explain why the Sheriff was so sure that you were the one responsible for someone's death?" He asked.

"Dad– I didn't do anything–"

"Well the Sheriff seems to think so." He said quite sternly, his eyebrows furrowing as he did so.

Just his luck, the Sheriff walked in the Weathervane and it made Lavender instantly shrink in posture and slide down the booth.

Horith Marigold followed his daughters gaze and an instant smirk came across it.

"That's him?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of Sheriff Galpin.

"Don't you dare." She warned.

Her father scoffed and got up, striding towards the Sheriff who looked absolutely taken back.

She wanted the ground to swallow her whole. And the only way she going to get this effect was finding the mysterious monster in the woods and standing there, ready for it to come at her.

Though, perhaps if she just, used her invisibility... all would be okay, her father wouldn't see her leave, nobody would see her leave, and the only problem was that she would get a ear full later from her father.

She was willing to take that risk.

Effortlessly and without any trouble, she activated her ability, navigating through the throng of people and exiting through the doorway, making sure that she was not observed as she disappeared so quickly, and once she had vanished from the Weathervane's view, she came back to her viability.


The only way to relieve her stress? Archery- it was always her go-to. She had assembled a few targets of her own and got her trusty bow and arrows ready. She also plugged in her earphones to drown out the rest of the world...but that didn't stop certain someone.

As she hummed to the song 'Darkness At The Heart Of My Love', Xavier Thorpe was keeping an eye on her while she shot one arrow after another. She was well aware that it might not have been the wisest decision to try to listen to music and shoot an arrow at the same time, but, she didn't really bother thinking about it all that much.

"Do you mind?" She asked, not bothering to look behind her.

"Not really," he shrugged, although he didn't get much on that answer because she obviously couldn't hear him.

Xavier sighed and carried his feet to stand in front of her, just as she was ready to shoot another arrow off.

"Really?" She asked, lowering her bow.

Xavier rolled his eyes playfully. "What happened to spending time with your dad?" He inquired with a friendly smile, though Lavender didn't bother and take her ear phones out.

She swatted her hand to the side, asking him to move, though he just rolled his eyes once again.

Xavier sauntered over to Lavender's side, and before he could even blink Lavender had loosed the arrow, perfectly striking the bullseye.

Xavier took it upon himself and gently dispensed one of the earphones from her, this abrupt motion causing her to pause and give him an intense gaze.

POISON|| Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now