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Lavender had waited for Wednesday to be alone until she could actually talk to her, and Wednesday departing from her parents was the perfect moment

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Lavender had waited for Wednesday to be alone until she could actually talk to her, and Wednesday departing from her parents was the perfect moment.

As Wednesday walked back in the school doors, she was met with Lavender Marigold, who had a smirk plastered on her face.

"I don't know what you're smirking at, but it's very unsettling. And not in a good way." The Addams girl spoke in monotone. Keeping no emotion on her face.

"I love the stunt you pulled, even if it did get you with almost attempted murder." Lavender spoke, keeping one tone of voice, to match Wednesday.

"People would know I failed."

"And we can't have that, can we?" Lavender smiled, causing Wednesday to smirk.

"I can sense you're mean, I like you." Wednesday walked over and stuck out her hand to Lavender, and Lavender gladly shook it, but as their hands connected, Wednesday's head shot back at a speed of light, causing her to loose her balance and Lavender to swiftly catch her.

"Wednesday?" Lavender asked. "Wednesday, are you okay?" She spoke, now a tad bit worried.

But, Wednesday soon came down to earth, her eyes rapidly searching around on where she was.

Lavenders helped her up, and of course, Wednesday did not thank her.

"I must go now." Wednesday spoke.

"All-" But before she could even finish her sentence, Wednesday was gone. "-right then."

Even though there was nobody in the hall, she felt a pair of eyes on her, and she knew she weren't imaging it, because her ears wiggled.

Most elves can sense when they're being watched, about to have someone sneak up on them, or hear great distances, and Lavender could do all that, and possibly more.

She looked towards her left, instantly seeing a figure move, and she began to run after it. It's a good thing she was an elf, because she would have never caught up to them if it wasn't for her heighten speed abilities.

She grabbed their jacket, swing their back towards the wall, and just then her face furrowed.

"Who are you?"

"Uh-" the boy pushed his glasses up as they began to fall down his face. "Rowan."

"Okay, Rowan. Why are you following me?"

"I'm not following you-"

"So, why am I being told that you were watching me in the quad?"

"I-uh,-" the boy stuttered as Lavender challenged him more.

"Okay, Rowan, when you can think of an answer, come back to me. I'd love to hear it." She smiled, letting go of him and watching him walk off, rather quickly.

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