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Never in her entire life did she think she'd have to go to a school for the 'troubled.' But here she was entering the gates of Nevermore.

All the students in blue uniform, adding their own twists to it. Instantly, She knew she was going to stick out like a sore thumb.

She was the only elf.

The car came to a halt, and the driver got out and went around to the trunk, taking out the luggage she had.

Lavender noticed that she was relatively early, it was around 10am, therefore a lot of students were on grounds.

"Fun." She smiled, before stepping out of the car, she tucked her hair behind her ears, causing them to poke out massively.

Walking towards the driver, and grabbing her bag and suitcase, and giving a smile and nod before turning towards the school.

She noticed a rather tall looking woman walking towards her, along with another student, the student had long brown hair, she was also rather tall.

"Lavender! Welcome to Nevermore! This is Edith, she will be taking your things whilst I talk to you in my office." She smiled.

Edith smiled and put out her hand so she could grab the suitcase and bag.

Lavender furrowed her brows but gave her things to the girl anyway. And Edith quickly dashed off as Weems and Lavender began to walk to her office.

"So, Miss. Marigold. I'm sure you are aware you're the only elf here," she spoke as she shut the door and walked to her desk.

"I'm very aware."

"And why do you think that is?" Weems asked.

"Because elves aren't supposed to be stabbing eachother with arrows." Lavender spoke, sitting down.

"No, and yes." She said. "We don't typically allow elves here, we usually do not allow students mid term either. Most do not trust you."

"Then it's a good thing I don't trust them, then." She smiled.

"All that is being said, is please do not cause trouble if someone spares you a look," she smiled. "I'm placing you in Green Man Hall, I will accompany you on the trip there, then I shall have your roommate give you a tour."

"Oh, lovely. A roomie." She rolled her eyes.

Weems stands up, a long with Lavender and they begin to wonder the halls in silence.

They stopped at a door, and Weems knocks, waiting for an answer of the door.

"Ah, Prudence. May we come in." She smiled. And the student stepped out of the way.

"Welcome to Green Man Hall!" Principle Weems spoke, looking around the room, wandering over to the window. "You have an amazing view of the forest and the schools gardens!" She smiles, turning to face now Prudence and Lavender.

"Miss. Keith, it would be very kind of you to show our Lavender around." Principle spoke as she walked over to her, looking down to Prudence.

Prudence Keith had a short build, perhaps around 5'4. She was graced with lovely dirty blonde hair, a slim body type and chocolate brown eyes.

POISON|| Xavier ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now