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"Okay, let me make sure I've got this right," Lavender said. "We're heading off to this run down of a house since you have a hunch. And I'm supposed to tag along since we're trying to 'save the world?'."


"And who lived here?" Lavender asked.

"Garrett Gates."

"Who was..?"

"A student that tried to kill my father but failed."

"Oh, fabulous." She smiled with a sarcastic tone. As Wednesday and Lavender strolled their way to the entrance of the once-beloved Gates residence, Wednesday suddenly stopped, her eyes widening in surprise as she spotted a figure walking up the door.

She pulled Lavender down the steps and running towards the trees, quiet enough for who ever was coming out of the house, not to hear them.

As they got down and hid away, Thing crawled out of Wednesday's bag, and sat on her shoulder.

"So strange." Lavender spoke.

"I need a distraction." Wednesday said and Thing quickly scurried off, and the two girls watched Mayor Walker talk to the Sheriffs voicemail.

As they watched Thing flick stones at the Mayor, Wednesday got up and quickly ran to the Mayor's car, calling Lavender over also.

"We are not getting in the trunk."

Wednesday didn't respond and opened the car trunk, getting in and holding it open.

"Oh, okay." Lavender said as she got in.

Wednesday closed the trunk door not long after Lavender had got got in, and both of them had to remain out of sight, well Wednesday had the hard part, Lavender just used her abilities.

They quickly got back to Jericho, though it had become dark, and the Mayor had parked his SUV across the street from the Weathervane.

The two of them looked towards the Mayor walking the street.

But suddenly a Blue car came swerving and hitting Noble in the process, causing both of the girls to gasp.

"Sweet Mary and Joseph and the Donkey they rode to Bethlehem!" Lavender quickly let out before opened the trunk and rushing out, along with Wednesday.

"Call 911!" Sheriff Galpin exclaimed as he got to the Mayor. But his gaze turned cold as he saw Wednesday and Lavender standing their, moments away.


"I'm asking you the Questions first, because I know you can't lie."

"How nobl– oh, bad time?" She asked.

"Okay, let's not. What we're you doing in the back of the Mayor's SUV?" Galpin asked.

"I actually... don't know. You see, I was at Nevermore minding my own Business when Wednesday goes... wait I need to do the voice. 'I need you to come with me.' And I thought it was pretty weird, right? So then I was like 'no, I'm alright.' And then one thing lead to another and we were at this massive house and the Mayor was there, talking to you and she jumped in the trunk."

Sheriff Galpin looked at Lavender in incredible pain.

"Okay, you're done, wait over there, I'll take you back when I get Wednesday's statement."

"Whatever you say, Sheriff." She wink and used the click of her tongue before getting up and walking to the counter.

"Give me the strongest thing you've got."

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