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Well, Wednesday ending up in the infirmary was not something she had hoped for, but invoking a military challenge and winning was something she did hope for

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Well, Wednesday ending up in the infirmary was not something she had hoped for, but invoking a military challenge and winning was something she did hope for.

And it was even worse that she had to be escorted down by Lavender.

Lavender didn't seem to mind, but she did however mind that Rowan happened to be there too.

He seemed to be everywhere.

She was soon kicked out by one of the nurses, if she had no business there, then there was no reason for her to actually be there.

She walked across the courtyard, catching a glimpse of Xavier, who as well seemed to be everywhere.

She walked directly to him, causing him to stand up straight as she got closer.

"Is she alright?" He asked.

"Well, considering it was a literal nick, I think she's not going to loose a arm or anything." She spoke, no emotion in her voice.

Xavier smiled. "Well, that's good then."

"Indeed." She smiled back, his smile was very contagious, and it even made her heart flutter.

Her right ear moved, causing her to look in that direction, she looked at the roof of the school, seeing a stone gargoyle wobbling ever so slightly.

"Uh- Xavier?"


"Is it just me," she asked looking up at it. "Or is that thing moving?" She asked, pointing in just direction, just as Wednesday Addams walked out of the door.

"No, it's, uh, definitely moving." He nodded.

They watched as it wobbled more and more, and as soon as Wednesday got under it, it fell completely.

"Wednesday!" Xavier yelled.

Lavender thought fast, using her speed abilities to slow everything down, making Lavender have more time to run over and push her out of the way.

As her and Wednesday hit the ground, Wednesday fell unconscious.

Xavier finally caught up, looking at both of the girls. "I have to get used to your flash thingy." He huffed.

"Stop huffing and puffing and help me get her to the infirmary."

Xavier nodded, scooping her up, bridal style and walking to the infirmary where Wednesday would be treated, once again.

Lavender opened the infirmary door after a polite knock, the nurse that had just been putting a band-aid on Wednesday looked at them in shock.

"What- what happened?" She asked.

"A gargoyle came falling down and I pushed her out of the way before it landed on her." Lavender spoke quickly.

The nurse nodded, before Xavier put her on a bed, the nurse checked for her breathing stability and her pulse rhythm, but all was well, just a small bump that will rise later on.

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