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*mention of injecting liquids if anyone would rather brace themselves for the image of needs that will be spoke about*

The last thing she wanted was to be sat in this 'stupid plant class' and sat next to Xavier Thorpe.

Although she didn't mind Xavier, it was the fact that she was a little too excited to sit next to Xavier.

She watched as he sketched on the paper, admiring his fine detail to the widow.

"You're staring," he smiled, without looking up from the paper, continuing to draw.

"Oh, like you were the other day in the quad?" She asked, tilting her head, causing him to laugh.

"Got me there."

Lavender smiled and looked away from Xavier, but up to Bianca, who seemed to be glaring at her.

"Why is your mermaid ex staring at me?" She whispered, looking down towards his face, and this caught his attention, making him look towards Lavender.

"Ignore her." He shrugged, pulling book to the side and hovering his hand over it.

Lavender watched as the widow came to life, causing Xavier to smile as it wondered over to Lavender.

"Mr. Thorpe and Miss. Marigold I'd like you to pay attention to my lesson, please." Ms. Thornhill spoke.

"Sorry," Xavier spoke, scooting the spider back on the booking and watching go to its original self.

"Now, can anyone tell me the name of this beauty?" Ms. Thornhill asked, and Lavenders hand raised the same time as Biancas.


"Dendrophylax Lindenii, or commonly known as the Ghost Orchid." Lavender said with a smile.

"Correct, can you tell me when it was discovered?"

"1854 on the Isle of Wight."

"Correct, again." She smiled, turning towards Bianca. "Looks like you may have competition for first chair, Bianca."

"Oh, I don't want first chair. I'm just here because I'm being forced." Lavender said, causing Xavier to look down and smirk.

"Perhaps you can identify the greatest qualities of the Orchid."

"Uh, sure. Resilience and adaptability. It's able to live even in the worst, and hostile environments, but it just being there can change the ecosystem and therefore-"

"The more established plants can reject it." Bianca said, cutting Lavender off.

Lavender hardened her gaze on Bianca, glaring at her, whilst Bianca flashed a smile and turned to Ms. Thornhill.

"Thank you, Ladies."


"Uh," Lavender spoke as Wednesday slammed a pair of glasses in front of her. "Thanks Wednesday, but, my vision is splendid." She smiled with her brows furrowed.

"They aren't for you. They belong to Rowan."

Lavenders eyes went wide, grabbing the pair and taking a closer look.

"So, Rowan was in the woods that night."

"Yes..." Wednesday trailed off, keeping eye contact with Lavender as though she wanted to ask something.

"What was Rowan talking about when he mentioned you can turn invisible?"

"Uh, it turns me invisible I guess."

"No, what I mean is, how does it work?"

"Oh, well, it's like I'm a chameleon, I can blend into things, it lasts for however long I want, but you mustn't tell anyone- Elves have special elixirs to get rid of the power." Lavender spoke rather lowly, handing back the glasses.

Wednesdays brows furrowed, and she leaned in more, trying to be more discrete. "But why would they want to get rid of it?"

"Think about it, if you're running from the Law, and you can turn invisible, they can never catch you. But when they find out you have it, they inject you with the elixir to stop you from being able to turn invisible." Lavender said, leaning in slightly also.

"I'm going to the Library, I'm going to find the book Rowan got the picture from. But, you need to ask Xavier why Rowan threw him against a wall." She said, standing and getting ready to leave the dinner hall.

"Woah- what-"

"Just ask him." She spoke swing her back over her shoulders and walking off.

One problem, she didn't have a clue what she was on about.


"Just the person I was looking for!" Headmistress Weems smiled, looking down towards Lavender.

"Principle Weems." She smiled tightly.

"So, Ms. Craftwood did mention your request on mounted Archery, and I'm shocked with myself that I haven't even thought of horseback for the academy," Weems spoke as she lead Lavender down a corridor.

"So, I've decided on taking you up on your request..." she trailed off as she reached a big open door. "So we've already started the building arrangement for some stables and a outdoor school."

Lavenders jaw hit the floor and her eyes beamed as she saw the stables being built, and being able to see the design for paddocks and the outdoor school.

"I didn't actually think you were going to do it." She spoke, looking up to Weems.

"We try to make every student here comfortable, and that means if we have to bring home to you, we will," she smiled.

"But I do, really need to cut this short, I need to speak to you in my office."



HIII, it's a shorter chapter today, apologies. I just wanted to get something out before I take a deep dive into my college work.

So, I've got my tiktok back up (ohmygodsiriusly)
And I'm most likely gonna post on it soon, which is fun ig.

I hope you're enjoying so far, and I'm happy that you're actually sticking around-

I'm currently watching Disney+'s Willow.

Funfact about it, it was filmed in Wales and they wanted their horses o be stabled somewhere so they chose my college 🤭🤭

Yeah, I'm doing Equine in college, it's great ngl.

ANYWAY, enough about my rambling.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend, look after yourselves and I'm always available for a chat if you need it.

Until next time....

V <3

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