chapter 35

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The first thing I see when opening my eyes is a bright light shining straight into my face, making me scrunch my face up and wince.

My eyes widen when I try to lift my hand but nothing moves. What the fuck. Why can't I move my hand. It's as if the light increases and becomes even stronger, nearly blinding me.

Where the fuck am I and why won't no one turn the light off.

Wiggling on the bed, a stabbing pain shoots up my spine, nearly having me flinching. What the hell.

Blinking a few times, I notice I have a mask on my face, becoming foggy with every breathe I take.

Looking around, I notice the blue curtains, the wires and machines surrounding and then I see the nurse walking into the room.

She's speaking to me, her mouth opens and closes yet I can't hear a word she saying. I try to scream when she comes closer, the needle visible in her hand, but nothing comes out.

"Kane?" I feel a light pinch to the arm, leaving tingles in its wake. "Are you awake?"
Well you just fucking woke me up, obviously I'm awake.

Rolling my eyes, which I instantly regret when it leaves a burning sensation behind, I finally lift my hand and yank the mask of my face.

"What the hell happened?"

I momentarily pause at the sight of Belle and Marcus looking distraught and scared but I brush it off, quickly trying to jump off the uncomfortable bed.

I hate hospitals. Why the hell would they bring me here.

"Because you need help."

I snap my head towards Marcus, furrowing my brows. "You said it aloud." He informs, smiling softly.

"Nothing even happened," I growl, scratching at my arms, only now feeling the intense soreness in my throat, "I was fine!"

Isabelle slightly jumps, my eyes quickly catching on the way she pulls at the ends of her grey hoodie. My grey hoodie.  Clearing my dry throat, i scrunch my face up in pain and hold in a groan while attempting to sit up. Fuck me.

Marcus and Isabelle rush forward to help me. I feel someone's hand touch my shoulder, and without thinking, i shrug it off. The stabbing pain in my back increases, but i ignore it and throw my legs off the bed.

"Kane!" I snap my head towards her, blinking at the sudden dizziness. "What are you doing!?"

Head banging, i hold a hand to my head and ignore what she's saying. Mostly because my throat hurts too much to talk. Only in a hospital gown, legs and backside revealed, the cool hair hits my naked body, and i take in on how thin and pale my skin really looks.

I can feel Marcus and Isabelle stare at me, but— but i just don't want to look at them. At her.

"Grab me a doctor." I manage to force out. Not hearing anything in response, i grit my teeth and grind out, with more force, "Grab me a fucking doctor."

"We said okay!" Marcus exclaims. Furrowing my brows, i keep my head bowed and clench the side of the bed. What? I didn't even speak. "So out of it, he probably doesn't know what day it is."

"Marc." I hear someone hiss, and that's when i realise Thomas is also here. Wow. The groups back together. Wow?

It's silent in the room, except for the rhythmic beeps from the machine i'm hooked on. Clearing my throat, the itchiness in my throat intensifies. Not being able to hold it, i end up coughing uncontrollably.


My chest, stomach, throat, you name it, starts to ache. Fisting my hand, i hold it near my lips and cough. I hear some mumbling, shuffling around and that's when the door opens.

"Is everything okay?" It's an unfamiliar voice.

"Marc? What's going on?"

"Everything is okay. After we remove the tubes, you tend to get itchy. Just have some water."

I cough a few more times, before a white plastic cup of water is given to me, and i take it. Necking it back, i motion with my neck for another one. It's given in seconds.

"Thanks." I mumble after finishing it. Throwing the cup to the side, paying no mind to where it lands, i tilt my head back and sigh, scrunching my nose when my throat itches again and neck cracks.

"You had a lot of drugs in your system, so we had to drain them out with fluids." The nurse begins, looking over a chart. "You have—"

Snapping my head towards her, instantly regretting it when i feel a shooting pain down my left shoulder, i force out, "Can you leave? Not you,  just them three."

I don't want Isabelle to hear what a failure i am.


"Get out." I mutter. I hear nothing, which for some reason pisses me off. "I said get out! Get out! The— all of you. Get out. Get them out—" I break into loud coughs, putting my hand up when i see the nurse come closer to assist me.

Leave me alone.

"Babe— grab Iz and let's— just do what he asked."

"Just get them out please." I wheeze out, keeping my eyes off them. Off her.

I don't want her to see me like this. I don't want her to hear what i've done to my body. She's suffered enough from my cruel words.

"Okay." I hear a soft whisper, and for some reason, it felt as if a building came crashing down on me. "It's okay, c'mon Iz." I hear the door shut.

It's quiet for a few seconds, the only sound being heard are the movements made by the nurse. She clears her throat and continues as if nothing happened.

"You had a issue with your liver and kidney, seeing as you've had every liquid in your system, but water. So they are dry, weak and reaching the point to be destroyed."

Nothing. I feel nothing. Not shocked. Surprised. Nothing.

"You don't need any type of transplant, at the moment, but we have to keep you under observation due to the—"

"No." I cut her off. "I'm not staying here." My dad died in this hospital. I had to watch him slowly shrivel away in this very building.

She sighs. "We cannot force you to stay, Mr West, but due to the high risks of liver failure, there's a chance your legs will swell up and we have to keep an eye on your urine to—"

"I don't care. i'm not staying here."

"Very well. I'll call the doctor and prepare your discharge papers. It'll be an hours wait, so get some rest until then."

Reluctantly, i nod. Sighing, i lie back in bed with a struggle, and sigh, tuning out whatever the nurse says. Slowly, everything becomes distorted, weird, and then silent.

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