1. ( arrival )

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chapter 1

( arrival )


thursday and wednesday entered their school as all eyes fell on them. everyone cleared their path, looking at the twins who held nothing on their faces as always.

everyone was wearing bright vibrant colours which desperately made the two want to rip their eyes out as they always stuck to their black clothing.

thursday looked at everyone moving out their way, the girl's faces all full of makeup which they thought was appealing to high school boys.

and they were right. the boys never removed their eyes from them, they were hungry for them and it was obvious.

thursday never understood that, though. maybe because he had little to zero emotions.

although thursday wasn't one with emotion, he did have to admit that having everyone move out of their way to send them judgemental stares definitely made him feel some sort of thrill.

a group of jocks was what caught their eyes. they scurried away in a group, obnoxious laughs coming from their mouths which made thursday want to send a dagger through his heart.

wednesday and thursday approached a locker. in fact, it was their brother's locker. pugsley.

out of the three addams, wednesday was the oldest although thursdays protection over her sometimes made it seem like it was the other way around.

drawings covered the vibrant red locker, all of them made fun of pugsley but the two paid no mind to it as they pulled open the locker and out came pugsley who had been tied up with an apple forced in his mouth.

the addam twins sent each other a look before crouching down above their brother, and harshly removing the apple.

"i want names." wednesday spoke with a sharp tone, her face conveying zero emotion as she stared at her brother who looked worried.

"i don't know who they were, honest." pugsley whimpered, a coat of sweat slightly covering his face as he looked between his brother and sister.

"pay more attention next time." thursday began untying his brother, a cold emotion was held on his face as he spoke in a cold tone.

"it happened so fast." pugsley whimpered once more, his eyes now threatening to fill up with tears.

"pugsley, emotion equals weakness." wednesday spoke, her tone monotone at is always has and probably will be.

"pull yourself together, pugs." thursday leaned in, slightly whispering as he finally untied the younger boy.

wednesday placed her hands on pugsley, her head instantly going back and thursday knew what was happening.

wednesday had been having visions, if she were to touch something or someone she could see the past or future. she hadn't told anyone, minus thursday of course.

"wednesday." the oldest boy placed his hand on her shoulder, their eyes instantly interlocking as she looked at him knowingly.

"you okay?" pugsley questioned, not having seen his sister do that before.

"leave this to us." wednesday didn't answer, she grabbed thursdays hand as they stood up, walking away and leaving pugsley to soak in his confusion.

"wednesday? thursday? what are you gonna do?" the boy piped up one last time as the twins stopped in their tracks to turn and look at him.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now