17. ( someone cares )

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chapter 17

( someone cares )

it was now the next day. after the twins had left the hidden cult area last night, they hadn't spoken one word to one another. when thursday arrived back at his dorm, he then realised that the room was missing a few things, a few things from kits side.

thursday had no idea where kit was sleeping or where he was but he figured if kit wanted him to know, he would've told him. but right now, thursday stood in the small quad area along with the rest of the nevermore students.

today was outreach day, and thursday would be lying if he said he knew things about this special day. the only thing he day know was they would each be working in different places, places they wouldn't even get to choose. how thrilling.

thursdays eyes scanned each student, noticing how excited they all were, what's so fun about helping people? the sound of weems voice caused everyone to be quiet, all eyes now falling onto the tall woman who stood proudly at the front.

"all students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10:00 am sharp, followed by community lunch at 1:00." weems announced, everyone's faces, minus thursday and wednesday, holding a grin as their eyes glistened with excitement.

"as you know, this year's outreach day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by nevermore students." small cheers flooded through the crowd of students, "as representatives of our school, i trust you will all put your best face forward."

all students were speaking to one another once again, the feeling of joy filling the air which thursday most definitely did not find very joyful. teachers began handing out small booklets, allowing the students to see what role they would be fulfilling.

it didn't take long for weems to come over, only holding one booklet which she held out for thursday to take. "nice to see you taking part in some community spirit, thursday." weems said, her hand still out with the booklet which thursday had yet to take.


"come on then, take the booklet, let us see where you will be working, hm?" she moved the booklet closer to him, thursday held eye contact with her as he unwillingly took it from her. his eyes dropped down to the paper which read out 'pilgrim world'.

"oh, that's a shame, you're not with your sister. however, i did overhear kit saying how he was in pilgrim world." weems nodded, her face still holding the smile that thursday could tell was fake. "why would i care?" he did care.

"oh, i'm sorry, are you two not friends? last i heard, he was speaking very highly of you." a look of confusion made its way onto her face, her smile dropping as it did. "when did you hear that?" thursday asked, his look of annoyance dropping which weems must've noticed as she began smirking once again.

"only yesterday."

yesterday? he thought to himself in confusion, knowing that yesterday they were most definitely not on speaking terms. "it appears that you two got into some sort of argument, from what i've heard, he doesn't like whatever is going on between you. but i know him, so i know that if you were to speak to him, he would forgive you, even if you weren't to apologise."

thursday thought to himself for a second, if he really hated it, why did he move things out of their dorm? because he knows i care and he knows the more stuff he does to show he doesn't care will get me to tell him. "that smart bastard." thursday mumbled quietly to himself.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now