18. ( pilgrim world )

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chapter 18

( pilgrim world )

the students had now all arrived at their particular jobs they were to be doing for the day. a large group of nevermore students had been put in pilgrim world and thursday noticed that as each student entered.

"oh, god." thursday groaned to himself as he walked through the entrance alongside eugene who had yet to leave his side. the place was busy with tourists much to thursdays dismay.

apparently, any student who got chosen to go here was lucky. it seemed that pilgrim world was the most popular and somehow the most joyful to the students. but, of course, thursday couldn't relate to that.

"good morning, my young nevermore kin." an older woman, who was dressed up in a pilgrim outfit, approached them with a warm smile. "i am mistress arlene. a real oc." she introduced herself as eugene looked at thursday with a grin, clearly thrilled to be there.

"original colonist." the woman clarified as she noticed how some students held a blank faces at her words. "now prithee, put your cell phones on vibrate and make haste, for you are about to travel back in time to the year of our lord 1625, to jericho's first pilgrim settlement."

the woman abruptly turned around, and began walking in another direction. the group of nevermore students were quick to follow behind her as she led them to a building that looked rather old. "yonder. behold, the meeting house." the woman pointed behind her towards the building that stood tall.

"inside is a collection of artefacts related to jerichos most beloved and pious founder, joseph crackstone." their guide, mistress arlene, informed the group of teenagers as thursday let out a sigh, finding no interest in the situation whatsoever.

"and beyond is our privy," she pointed to another building that sat beside the meeting house, "americas first gender-neutral restroom."

"i haveth a query." a familiar voice spoke up from beside thursday. he was quick to turn his head to his side, only now noticing how wednesday was apparently in the same group, although he was told by weems that she wasn't.

"pray, be quick, child." the older woman told her, her tone sharp as she looked displeased that someone was talking. "in the meeting house, which of joseph crackstone's artefacts are on display?" the black-headed girl pondered.

it now became obvious to thursday as to why wednesday was here, she clearly knew something she had not informed thursday about and was trying to figure out exactly what it was. wednesday had always been smart, thursday would be surprised if she didn't find out whatever it was in the few hours that they were going to be there.

"it is truly a treasure trove, including original farm tools, tableware, even the original crackstone family chamber pot." the woman replied, her answer clearly sparked interest in wednesday as she was quick to respond,

"sounds fascinating. i volunteer to work in there."

"pray no," the redheaded woman quickly shut down wednesday's idea, "that exhibit is being renovated. today, thou will all be working at the beating heart of pilgrim world." she smirked.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now