19. ( eyes )

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chapter 19

( eyes )

you see, thursdays plan was quite simple. first off, he would have to steal someone's fudge tray which would be very easy. all it would take is some threats and death glares which he thought he was incredible at if he says so himself.

once the first part was done, he would have to find kit. now, thursday could tell where the boy was easily. due to kits somehow amazing social skills, it would be no surprise to see the most people surrounded around him as he ranted on about whatever.

then came the hard bit, actually speaking to him. not only would he have to speak to him, but he would also have to be nice. thursday and niceness are not something you see very often, in fact, not at all; for good reasons too.

thursday thought it was a solid plan, i mean, what could go wrong, right? Realistically, a lot of things could go wrong. in fact, everything could go wrong. but he hasn't got time to worry about that.

now, the first part had already been done. that's why thursday currently stood in the middle of pilgrim world like an idiot with a half-empty fudge tray. from his spot, he could see kit. it was only the back of his head but thursday knew the back of his head very well, too well.

but that wasn't the point.

already, a few people had already tried to approach thursday before quickly walking away as he unintentionally glared at them. the addams boy took a deep breath as he collected his thoughts whilst also thinking of nice things that he could maybe say.

your hair looks nice, no. his hair looks the same all the fucking time.

okay..uh... you have nice hands, maybe? no, he might think why am i looking at his hands? i mean, why the fuck would i look at his hands?

i like your outfi- we're wearing the same thing. human interactions are the worst things, i'm going to shove this fudge down my throat until i choke, that'd be nice.

thursday internally groaned to himself. i mean, how is it even possible to be this bad at compliments? like, he knew he was bad, but this bad? there's got to be some sort of reward out there for this.

his eyes wandered back to the place he last saw kit and lo and behold, he wasn't there. "seriously?" the boy mumbled to himself as he sighed, his eyes quickly looked around but unfortunately didn't spot the all too vibrant boy.

his legs began moving as if he were no longer in control as he now began searching for the boy. it would help to yell out his name but that wasn't an option considering it would make it look like he was looking for him which he was, but kit didn't need to know that.

as thursdays eyes scanned over the area in front of him, looking for kit, he came to a sudden stop. a butterfly came into view, a beautiful shade of blue. kit's favourite colour, purple not too close behind.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now