13. ( please? )

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chapter 13

(  please? )

"what's going on with your sister?" xavier thorpe asked.

believe it or not but thursday was currently busy talking to the small group of guys who were busy painting their boat for the poe cup.

which also meant his idea of ignoring kit for the rest of eternity had come to an end. it wasn't because he wanted to speak to the boy.

but because he was now trying his best to avoid his sister. he knew that avoiding her wouldn't last long at all but if she wasn't going to tell him anything, why should he bother with her?

thursday also knew better than to avoid two people at once, he had tried it before and it didn't end up so well, to say the least.

so instead of hiding away out of sight from her, he put himself in a place where no one would've expected him to be.

he only knew three of the guys he was currently sitting with, not bothering to learn the names of the ones he didn't know.

"why would i know?" thursday quickly spoke back, staring off into the distance as the other boys continued painting their boat.

"because she's your sister. you know, your twin." ajax then commented, looking over at the boy. "really? a great observation you made there."

"is she seriously upset with you because you helped kit the other night?" ajax spoke once again, now making all eyes fall on him but with different emotions showing in each one.

thursday looked at him confused about why he knew that, xavier give him an 'are you serious look?' slightly hitting him on the shoulder and last kit only looked embarrassed, not daring to look at the addams boy any longer.

"she thinks i'm becoming weak." thursday told them, his voice somehow becoming, even more, darker than before.

"are you?" the three boys stared at him curiously, however, thursday was not a big fan of their new question.

he sharply turned his head, his dark brown eyes colder than usual as his jaw began to clench slightly.

"ask me that again and i'll stab you in the eye with your paintbrush."

"well, i think it's nice to help people." kit then said, his natural grin shining even brighter as he looked at thursday. "and the more you help people, the more friends you can get. friends are fun."

"i don't do friends. besides, nobody would want to be my friend."

"i can be your friend." kit told him, his face becoming soft as his eyes portrayed a sort of warmness.

"hm." was all the boy said.

"hey, kit!" a high-pitched voice squeaked through the air. it grabbed all the attention of the boys, their heads instantly turning over to the sound of the voice.

they soon noticed enid and wednesday quickly approaching them, enid was jumping happily as wednesday kept to her usual walk.

there goes thursday's plan of ignoring his sister.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now