10. ( stalker )

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chapter 10

( stalker )

it was now the next day. thursday had yet to talk to kit after walking away from him and he didn't plan on talking to him either. he got in his dorm late last night, knowing the boy would already be asleep and woke up before he did just to prevent the situation from happening.

he knew what kit would try and do if they were to speak, he would try and get close. but thursday couldn't let that happen.

however, he was very fascinated with the boy. he was all the things thursday wasn't: social, colourful, kind, the list could really go on. no one in their right mind would ever rely on an addams to help them, heck they wouldn't even associate themselves with an addams. but kit wasn't like that.

kit wanted thursday's help, he wanted him to be there with him. why? he didn't know.

that was the exact reason why thursday had taken it upon himself to find out more about him, he was curious.

thursday watched as kit and a small group of people, which seemed to be a choir, sing. it was the time of day when everyone would be taking part in their extra activity, however, thursday had yet to choose one.

he knew that some of the people were looking at him, curious as to why thursday addams was staring in their direction but he paid no mind to them, his eyes fixated on kit who was completely oblivious.

thursday felt a small poke on his leg, his head shot down and his eyes landed on thing who being signing, and pointing over to the group, specifically kit.

"i'm watching him." thursday responded, his natural tone somehow sounding softer than usual.

thing signed again, a small sigh escaped thursday's lips before responding once more. "it doesn't matter why, i just am."

thing didn't have time to respond as a figure approached them. "come on, let's go." wednesday said, not giving any context as she linked arms with her brother before walking away from the spot he was previously at.

"where are we going?"

"weems said we need to pick an extra activity by the end of the day, and you," she turned to thing who instantly perked up as wednesday's eyes fell on him, "keep an eye on rowan. don't let him out of your fingers."

thing gave wednesday a thumbs up before quickly scurrying out of their sight as thursday turned to his sister.

"thought you wouldn't want to talk to me, you know, 'cause i'm clearly the weaker one out of us both." thursday told the girl, unlinking their arms as he looked down at his sister who was a lot shorter than him.

"that may be true but you're still my brother. now let's go." she linked their arms once more as they quietly approached the choir which was when kit finally noticed the boy.

bianca was standing in front of the choir, guiding them as their harmonic voices sang in unison.

thursday could feel the burning gaze of kit lingering on him making him debate on whether or not he should look back at him. the boy gave in as his eyes were quick to meet kit's, instead of the vibrant boy turning away, he held the eye contact as he smiled innocently towards him.

obviously, thursday didn't return the smile and instead looked away as his eyes now focused on bianca.

"weems said you'd be stopping by." bianca looked them up and down before speaking, her arms falling to her sides as she stared at them.

"but to be honest," she turned towards wednesday, "after your performance at the harvest festival, the drama club might be more your speed."

"and you on the other hand," she twisted her body so she was now facing thursday instead, "i don't have much to say other than you sitting over there like some sort of stalker watching us is definitely not helping you to join."

"really? my dreams have been crushed." thursday stated, clearly not bothered by his loss of chance of joining the choir.

"after i passed out, who did you tell? the sheriff?" wednesday brought the attention back to her, her dark eyes lingering curiously on the woman who stood before them.

"you think i'd trust normie cops?" bianca raised her brows at the girl, her facial expression showing what a stupid question she had just been asked was.

"i went straight to weems and let her handle it. anyway, let's get this audition over with. you're clearly out," she pointed towards thursday who didn't look bothered in the slightest.

"oh, whatever will i do? i can feel my heart breaking." thursday told her, zero emotion on his face or in his tone indicating that he wasn't bothered.

in the corner of his eye, however, he saw kit's expression slightly fall flat as he looked down at the ground. was he upset that thursday wasn't going to be in the same club as he him? he thought. he didn't know and quite frankly, he didn't care.

"what are you?" bianca turned to wednesday, "alto, soprano or just loco?" the choir seemed to be amused by biancas words as scattered chuckles could be heard from the group.

wednesday suddenly opened her mouth, no sound was heard yet the glasses which sat on someone's face had broken causing the choir to be confused.

thursday looked at his sister proudly, he remembered when they were younger wednesday would always try and practice how high her voice could get and was thrilled once she managed to get it that high.

"what was that?" bianca asked, clear confusion covering her features as she stared at the shorter girl.

"a note only dogs can hear." wednesday responded.

"okay, well we don't need your dog pitch here." bianca told her, motioning for the two to walk away. thursday shared one last glance with kit before linking arms with his sister once more and walking off to go find another activity they could join.

alex speaks

happy new year everyone!!
so sorry for the lack of updating but
i'm gonna try and get better i promise

please vote and comment .
word count : 1044

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