23. ( slit m̶y̶ your wrists )

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chapter 23

( slit m̶y̶ your wrists )

after the incident that had occurred with kit not too long ago, thursday decided to not stick around in the small town of jericho. in other words, he made his own way back to the school knowing that weems would not be happy with him; he didn't really care, however.

thursday had realised that once he got to his dorm and his body landed on his black bed sheets, it wouldn't be long until he fell asleep. with that being said, thursday groaned as he heard loud thumps coming from the other side of the room, interrupting his sleep.

thursdays dark eyes slowly opened before quickly shutting as they got blinded by the sunlight that shone through the window. putting his hand up to cover his eyes, which seemed to be no longer in pain and had returned to their original pale colour, from the light, he slowly lifted himself up from his position of laying down as his squinted eyes shot over to the other side of the room, kits side of the room.

a lanky figure was carrying bags into the room, however, from what thursday could both see and hear, it wasn't going very successful. the person couldn't even take two steps before things fell out of the bag, causing them to stop what they were doing and pick it up before it happened again and again and again.

thursday watched with confusion, considering the light was shining right in his eyes, he couldn't exactly make out who it was. the sound of a bag dropping made thursday furrow his brows as a gasp escaped the unknown lips.

"no, not my carrot."

oh, it's kit.

oh. it's kit. thursday realised.

thursday sat up completely from his bed, only now realising he was still wearing his uniform from yesterday which he had never taken off. "kit?" thursday voiced, thinking that it could possibly all be in his head.

i mean, after yesterday, why would he come back? why would he want to even speak to him?

the lanky boy stopped what he was doing and made eye contact with the addams boy, "thursday, did i wake you? i didn't mean to. i was trying to do it quietly but things kept falling out the bags like my carrot." kit picked up the plush carrot off the ground as he then proceeded to wave it around happily like he was trying to show it off.

"what are you doing here?" thursday asked. was the whole kit incident a dream? there was no way, it couldn't have been. but that would explain why kit is actually standing in front of him speaking to him whilst holding a plushie of a carrot.

"what do you mean? i live here? i go to school here?" kit took a turn to furrow his brows, clearly not understanding what thursday meant by his question.

"the last time we spoke you walked away from me. you said i should go and find you." thursday reminded the boy as he stood still in his spot. "i know i did." kit sighed as he continued pulling his stuff back into the room.

thursday watched his every move, he didn't exactly know what kit was up to. let's be honest, he never really did. but this time, he felt like he wouldn't like whatever it was kit had in mind.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now