21. ( vision )

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chapter 21

( vision )

the addam siblings walked in silence. the only sound either of the two was making was the crunching of the leaves as they walked through the woods. it looked like a whole different time of day as the sky went from clear blue to darkness.

for the most part, thursday had no idea where he was going and was overall confused. i mean, wednesday invited him to join her like the past few times she did that she didn't tell him to leave. on the other hand, wednesday knew exactly where she was going and what she wanted.

that seemed to be a pattern between them recently.

as the two continued their silent walk, what looked like a very old house came into view. there was only really the structure of it left as the twins stopped in their tracks as they stared at it.

"is this what we're looking for?" thursday questioned, deciding to be the one to break the immense silence that had lasted way too long. "i think so." wednesday responded as her eyes scanned the building in front of them.

wednesday took the first step as she walked through the wooden door that was barely even a door at this point as thursday followed behind her. wednesday proceeded to take off her backpack and place it on the floor which only confused the addams boy.

but it all made sense when things appeared out of it. "thing?" thursday questioned, having not seen him in a while nor expecting him to be there with them. the hand quickly waved hello before making its way over to wednesday who stood in front of a fireplace that looked to be in very good condition compared to the rest of the house.

thursday didn't see it, but he assumed thing signed something as wednesday spoke up unexpectedly, "i was expecting more too." her voice seemed to be filled with disappointment.

"why are we here again?" thursday asked, crouching down as he hovered above a few rocks that sat on the floor as he picked one up. however, wednesday didn't respond as a blonde man who looked to be much older than them appeared from behind the teenage girl.

"who you talking to, little girl?" the man questioned, somehow not noticing thursday who was crouched down not too far away. wednesday quickly turned around as she replied, "use 'little' and 'girl' to address me again and i can't guarantee your safety." she threatened.

thursday now stood up and made his way over to his sister as he let his presence be known the man who thursday assumed was homeless. "oh, this your boyfriend coming to protect you? that little boy has nothing on me." he chuckled, but his response only made the twins scrunch up their noses in disgust.

"twin, actually. and this 'little boy' can give you more pain than you can imagine with just a wave of my hand, starting with popping your eyes out and force-feeding it to you," thursday spoke lowly for the first time in a while, his lifted his hand up and let it glow it's black colour which did exactly what he wanted it to do with the man; create fear.

"thursday." wednesday placed her hand on his shoulder, clearly not expecting him to snap like that as she pulled him back from the man who looked like he had witnessed a massacre. "thing, a hand here?" wednesday spoke out.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now