9. ( not weak )

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chapter 9

(  not weak  )

thursday walked by himself through the woods as sunlight now shone on him. just like he said he would, he was helping kit in making sure he was safe. why? he didn't know.

this type of behaviour was unusual for thursday. he had never willingly helped someone who he didn't care for, hell he didn't even ask wednesday if she wanted help.

the night had been pretty successful. at first, kit had tried to attack thursday, which left a small bruise on his forehead but he was scared and thursday knew that. but after a few minutes, thursday had managed to calm him down which led to the two sticking with each other for the whole night.

since it was now morning and the sun had come out, kit had ran away whilst he de transformed which meant thursday had to spend a few minutes searching for him.

the boy held kits clothes in his hands, and although it pained him to carry such vibrant colours in his hands he did it anyways.

speaking about hands, the burning sensation from his powers were now gone. the blackness on the edge of his fingers were gone too. thursday had no idea what it was, but something was telling him it wasn't very good.

snapping out of his thoughts, he heard twigs snapping in the distance making him walk slightly faster than before.

"kit?" thursday called out, he didn't allow any emotion to show in his tone as usual as he finally found the boy leaning up against a tree trying his best to cover himself.

"did i...hurt anyone?" kit asked, his voice hoarse as he looked at the boy in fear. the fear wasn't because of thursday, the fear was because of himself.

"no." thursday responded, although he was very aware of the purple bruise which sat on his pale skin right on his forehead.

"where'd you get that bruise?" kit questioned, now noticing the odd mark which sat on his roommate's face.

"i walked into a tree looking for you." thursday lied, he didn't know why he wasn't telling the truth. if it were anyone else, he would've threatened them with death and given them the cold shoulder as usual.

"oh." the sinclair boy nodded, for some reason believing the boy.

thursday couldn't shake the odd feeling that he felt whenever kit was around. not only was it odd but he was growing suspicious about what it could possibly which was something he never thought would happen to him.

he hated it. why he was feeling like this he wasn't sure of, but what he was sure of was that he needed to distance himself far away from the boy so it wouldn't happen.

"here." thursday threw kit's clothes at him, and they landed in his hands as kit looked down at them. "put them on and get back to school." he began to walk away.

"you're leaving?" kit asked, he knew that he was currently naked in the middle of the woods with thursday addams with him but he could just wait until he got changed.

thursday didn't respond, not wanting to look at the boy who was busy showing a disappointed look on his face.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now