14. ( don't )

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chapter 14

( don't )

the identical twins walked through the woods in silence, not bothering to link arms with each other which was odd for both of them.

thursday didn't know exactly what they were looking for but he knew better than to question as it wouldn't surprise him if wednesday pulled out the 'you helping kit' card again.

the woods held a slight layer of fog to them which was the only thing thursday enjoyed about the situation.

apparently, the silence had gone on long enough as a sudden grunt from behind them in the distance could be heard, both twins snapping their heads back as they stopped slightly.

neither twin could question anything, a hand had pulled both twins back behind a tree, thursday was pushed up against the tree with a hand covering his mouth and wednesday was pulled up into the person's chest also with a hand covering her mouth.

thursday's eyes trailed along the arm soon realising that it was tyler.

thankfully tyler was there, if he weren't the twins were sure to be caught by the sheriff and his dog who walked past them only a few seconds after.

once the man was completely out of sight, thursday grabbed the boy's arm and instantly ripped it away from his mouth.

wednesday pulled away from his grasp, turning back at tyler she only stared confusedly. "sorry. i didn't want elvis to pick up on your scent." tyler apologised, his eyes mostly stayed on wednesday, hardly acknowledging that thursday was even there.

that was actually a common thing, although thursday completely towered over his sister which made him stick out more, everyone would usually pay more attention to the girl instead.

"thanks. how'd you throw them off?" wednesday was quick to question, tyler's hand reached for his pocket as he then pulled out coffee beans.

"coffee grounds?" thursday voiced in surprise, tyler turned his head to the boy looking like he had completely forgotten he was there. "uh, yeah, um, a deer hunting hack. one of the perks of being a part-time barista."

"i assume your father didn't bring the bloodhound to play fetch." wednesday said, tyler nodding his head in agreement.

"he doesn't tell me shit." tyler told her, his voice trying to hide the pain which he felt from it but thursday could tell it was there.

"welcome to my world," thursday mumbled, however, the two, especially wednesday, heard it clearly causing the girl to glare at her brother sharply.

"you must think it's weird i'm stalking him." tyler suddenly realised, his eyes opening slightly as he figured it was weird. "no, it's not." thursday was quick to respond, to most people, it was. i mean, who stalks their parents? but to thursday and wednesday, it was completely normal.

"we consistently stalk our parents," wednesday admitted, her face plain as always as she exposed what thursday and she did regularly. wednesday made a move to leave before both tyler and thursday followed, and this action caused tyler to pipe up.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now