25. ( shopping )

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chapter 25

(  shopping  )

thursday hated everything. he had never hated life more than he did right now. if he had a knife right now, he would slowly and harshly drag it across his throat until he bled out. the urge was still growing, and he didn't know how much longer he could take of this.

thursday and kit stood in the middle of a store, shopping for suits that thursday would be able to wear at the rave'n. of course, there just had to be a dress code meaning thursday couldn't wear any black, like, at all.

kit had never looked happier than he did right now, staring with a massive grin at thursday's tired and blank expression. kit had dressed the boy up in an all-white suit, thursdays eyes examined himself in the mirror and he threw up in his mouth.

not literally, of course. he had to wear all white, what kind of dress code was that? he wasn't even allowed to sneak a little bit of black onto it even if he tried.

the man who was helping them pick stuff out only looked at thursday concerned. he slowly leaned in next to kit before speaking, "do we need to call an ambulance for him?" the man asked in worry.

"oh, don't worry about it. he's just mad right now, he'll get over it." kit grinned happily, knowing that this was a normal occurrence when it came down to the addams boy.

the employee nodded in understanding, but he still looked concerned but also scared as he walked away. "so, what do you think?" kit grinned, looking at thursday before walking up to him.

"it's disgusting." thursday bluntly responded with, it was obvious he meant that whole-heartedly as he grabbed onto the clothing, attempting to pull it away from his body.

"you're only saying that because you're not wearing black clothes, for once." kit judged, folding his arms over his chest as he looked the boy up and down. "i think you look great." he complimented.

"why can't i wear something black?" thursday groaned, still tugging at his clothing as if it were infectious. "because there's a dress code, thurs. if there wasn't, i'd be more than happy to let you wear black but it's the rules." the sinclair boy frowned slightly.

"you know you don't always have to follow the rules." thursday shrugged, seemingly not caring what the rules were in this case scenario. "but it's better to follow the rules." kit's tone was slightly more serious now. thursday knew kit was not one to break the rules, ever, but right now he would do absolutely anything to make him break them.

"it's not like it'd be you breaking them anyways, it'd be me." the addams boy tried once more. "but you're my date to the dance, and i thought you didn't want people to notice you there. you know, wearing something black to a white dress code dance will definitely make you stand out." kit reminded him with a small grin, a happy one.

"they're going to notice me anyways, i tend to stand out in the crowd. no idea why." thursday's voice continued to be plain, obviously hating the entire situation he was in.

"well... yeah, you're right actually... can't deny that even if i tried..." kit muttered, not having the ability to deny thursday of the truth. "excuse me, sir?" kit called out to one of the employees who turned himself towards the young teen.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now