20. ( cafe )

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chapter 20

( cafe )

if you told thursday that his sister 'needed his help' he wouldn't believe you, not at all. and even as his sister stood in front of him telling him to come with her as she needed help, he still didn't believe her.

only around ten minutes had passed since thursday and kit began speaking again but, god, it was probably the best ten minutes of thursdays life. kit had been rambling most of the time, of course. who would kit be if he didn't ramble constantly?

however, the feeling of freedom that thursday felt was quickly cut short as his sister appeared in front of him. obviously, thursday said no. this game had been played too many times by now, and he knew exactly what was coming.

she would claim she needed his help but by the end of it, she would be the one to tell him to leave. but considering things with kit were getting better, why couldn't his relationship with his sister get better? he knew there was almost no chance of that happening but he could always try, right?

that's what lead thursday and wednesday to be standing in the small cafe they had first been in when they had met the galpin boy. thankfully, wednesday allowed thursday to get rid of the pilgrim clothes and put on his uniform so he wouldn't be walking around looking stupid.

thursday and wednesday both entered the cafe and thursday only assumed it was so she could see tyler. what he didn't expect, however, was for xavier thorpe to be there, that must've been where he was put to work as he wore the work uniform.

"i thought you two were supposed to be in pilgrim world," xavier spoke out to them as the twins moved forwards towards him, "i deserted it while my sanity was still intact," wednesday told the boy as he now leaned against the counter.

"oh, yeah? want a coffee?" xavier offered, however, it seemed that it was only directed at wednesday. "she's looking for tyler." thursday spoke up, reminding the long-haired boy of his presence.

"i told you he was bad news." xavier told wednesday after he shared a quick glance over to thursday. "twice. but who i speak to is my business." the addams girl told him and for once, thursday had to agree with her.

thursday then moved his hand to the bell which proceeded to let out a small ding as he pressed it. it didn't take long for tyler to appear. the galpin boy let a small smile lingering on his lips as he moved forwards so he was closer to wednesday, "you rang?" he chuckled.

"no, i did." thursday corrected the boy, noticing how his smile dropped as he noticed thursday standing beside the addams girl. "oh," he sighed, sounding disappointed to find out it was not wednesday who rang the bell but instead thursday.

wednesday looked back at xavier who was still observing them, she sent him a look which caused him to scoff and walk away, obviously understanding her look telling him to leave.

"want the usual?" tyler questioned, only making thursday furrow his brows as his words set into his head. "the usual?" thursday now took a turn to question his sister, how often did she come here?

"and some help," she ignored her brother as she pulled out a map and placed it down on a table that sat beside them, "you know the original pilgrim meeting house, the one from the 1600s? you know if it's still around?" she asked the galpin boy as she set the map straight.

"what's left is out in the cobham woods but it's pretty much a ruin." the boy explained, clearly not understanding why wednesday needed to know this as did thursday. "show me," she demanded, tilting her head to the map that sat in front of the three.

"uh," he looked at her oddly before placing his finger on the map, "here, but, look, it's kind of sketchy. squatters and meth heads use that place as a crash pad. my dad has it cleared out every couple weeks," explained the boy, "what's this about?" tyler now questioned as he let his curiosity get the best of him.

"nothing." she shrugged, folding up the map and shoving it in her backpack.

"you're really becoming obsessed with this monster in the woods thing." tyler chuckled but thursday only furrowed his brows, "monster in the woods?" he mumbled to himself, looking at his sister weirdly.

"are you obsessed with it too?" tyler questioned with raised brows as he changed his gaze from wednesday to thursday, "i have no idea what you're talking about," thursday told the boy with a bored look, maybe if she told me more things i wouldn't be so clueless.

"would you rather i develop an obsession with horses and boy bands? or, just a boy in general?" wednesday questioned, however, thursday noticed the stubble glance wednesday had sent him when she said the last bit.

"thank you for your help." she thanked the boy before walking off, thursday following close behind; they didn't get very far. tylers voice called out to them making them both stop in their tracks to look back at the boy, "hey, listen, the ruins are kind of tricky to find. i could take you this afternoon. my shift ends at 2:00." he offered.

"no, principle weems would hang us from a lampost if we miss the big statue dedication," thursday told the boy, inviting himself into the conversation.

"and as enticing as that sounds, i'd prefer to keep a low profile. besides, i know my way around the great outdoors." wednesday told the boy who stood in front of them as a small smirk now played on his lips. "don't tell me you were a girl scout."

"i could eat girl scouts for breakfast. i have an uncle who went to prison for that once." wednesday told the boy whose face now turned to shock whereas thursday smirked slightly, "i remember it like it was yesterday."

with that statement, both thursday and wednesday linked arms and walked out of the small cafe. thursday could only think about how long it would take wednesday to tell him to leave, and if she didn't, that would be more of a surprise.

alex speaks

literally nothing happened this chapter but dont worry
cause something is most definetly happening in the next

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word count : 1092

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