12. ( what? )

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chapter 12

(  what? )

only an hour had passed by since wednesday had left thursday with eugene. the younger boy and the addams had managed to share a few conversations. well, it was mostly eugene talking about whatever as thursday listened.

thursday now had plant class and he knew exactly who was going to be joining him, kit.

thursday arrived alone. of course, he had gotten a few odd looks from some people who were probably wondering where his twin was considering they would always walk together.

his eyes fell onto kit who had yet to notice him, too busy making conversation with some stranger he had never seen before.

his eyes ditched kit and now moved to wednesday. she was busy standing beside a plant, bianca in front of her probably pestering her about whatever insult she could possibly come up with.

instead of walking over to her, he ignored her. the class was about to begin, and everyone was rushing to their seats, slowly quieting their talk as they did.

since thursday had yet to be in this class, he didn't have an assigned seat. everyone was sat, minus thursday and wednesday, all eyes now falling on them.

"there's a free seat next to me if any of you want it." xavier's voice filled their ears, the twins' eyes instantly flickering over the boy who had a notebook which contained a drawing of a spider sitting in front of him.

before thursday could even consider the offer, wednesday quickly moved. she sat down beside the boy, not even sparing a glance at her brother who now stood alone.

thursday sighed, he turned back around noticing that the only free spot just so happened to be next to ajax.

oh, and kit.

"fantastic." thursday mumbled to himself, his long and skinny legs now moving over to the small table.

thursday didn't miss the way that kit's eyes lit up slightly at the sight of him, knowing that thursday had no other choice than to sit next to him.

but he was wrong.

thursday looked down at ajax, noticing how he shifted uncomfortably under the gaze of the addam boy. "hey..." ajax cleared his throat, although his voice cracked slightly.

"move." thursday commanded, not daring to look at the sinclair boy whose face was falling slightly.

"move where..." ajax questioned, knowing that there was no other free table in the room. "to the seat next to you." the dark boy told him, his voice coming out harsher than anticipated.

"oh." ajax said, an awkward grin covering up his face yet he still didn't move. thursday raised a brow at him, waiting for the boy to move.

"oh, right." he nodded his head, gathering up his things and moving over a chair, allowing thursday to now slide into the seat with ease.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now