7. ( freaks )

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chapter 7

(  freaks  )

the twins had found themselves in a small cafe.

the twins were still busy with their plan which was what had led them there. although it wasn't a part of their original plan, they had to add it in. simply because they didn't think that far ahead.

the espresso machine seemed to be failing as a teen boy stood behind it, trying his best to fix it but was clearly failing.

thursday and wednesday walked their way to the counter, steam shot up in their face which separated the twins from the boy so once it went down, he yelped.

"holy crap! do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?" the boy questioned, looking between the twins wearily.

"it's more of a hobby." wednesday told the boy, his face swapping from creeped out to a much more frightened expression.

"you're from nevermore, didn't realise they changed the uniform." the unknown boy remarked as he started to move awkwardly.

"i need a quad over ice. it's an emergency." wednesday told the man, his brows furrowing as thursday now spoke.

"what? you don't know what that is?" thursday asked, moving closer to the counter as the boy slowly backed away.

"it's four shots of espresso." wednesday told the boy, her hand now placed on top of thursdays shoulder to prevent him from moving any closer.

"yeah, i...i know what a quad is, but, spoiler alert, the espresso machine's having a seizure, so all we have is drip." the boy informed them, pointing out the obvious as he tilted his head to a man who was busy pouring himself a cup.

"but drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning." wednesday said, the man placing down the jug as he overheard the young girl comment.

"anyone who drinks some sort of caffeine hates their life, wednesday. they're all just realising that they have no meaning in life, including the people who serve it." thursday looked at the boy at the last part, a clear offended look now covering his face.

"okay...that was uncalled for." the worker told him. wednesday changed the topic, her head now snapping down to the broken machine in front of them. "what's wrong with it?"

"it's a temperamental beast with a mind of its own, and it doesn't help that these instructions are in italian." the boy held up a piece of paper with italian written all over it.

"what, you can't read italian?" thursday questioned, wednesday now making her way to the other side of the counter as she took the instructions from his hands.

"no." the boy shook his head, looking at thursday with a dumbfounded expression as wednesday now spoke.

"i need a tri-wing screwdriver and a four-millimetre allen wrench." wednesday told the man, his lips slightly parted as he looked at the young girl.

"wait, you read italian?"

"of course. it's the native tongue of machiavelli." she told him with a slight shrug as he looked at her dumbfounded.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now