16. ( kidnapped )

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chapter 16

( kidnapped )

darkness had embraced the sky as the sun disappeared from sight. it wasn't a surprise to thursday that he had spent the whole day alone. he didn't speak to anyone either. no one seemed to notice how or even care how off thursday was. that was becoming a reoccurring theme in his life.

however, just because no one noticed how off thursday was acting didn't mean that thursday didn't notice how off his sister was acting. in fact, that was the reason why thursday spent his full day following her around without her knowing, of course.

he followed her from random strange places in the school to the library where ms thornhill had seen her leading the two in a conversation. but since it was night, it meant she was in her form. now obviously he wasn't going to waltz into the room and hide and watch her every move, he wasn't that weird.

so instead he waited in the hall; just because the day was over for everyone else doesn't mean it was over for wednesday. he knew he was right when the sound of a door not too far away from him creaked open and revealed his twin. oh, how good it feels to be right.

she quickly examined the hall, not noticing how thursday hid perfectly behind a corner before rushing off to her next location. the addams boy was quick to follow behind, he stayed quiet so he wouldn't give away his presence as he snuck behind her, making sure to slow down at some points so he wouldn't be directly behind.

she soon entered the same small area that she entered the same morning, looking down the hall thursday and noticing a statue. a statue of edgar allen to be precise. now thursday didn't know exactly what she was doing but by the looks of things, she was close to figuring something out that she hadn't shared with thursday.

thursday watched confusedly as she shone a bright flashlight onto the book the statue was holding before pulling out a small notebook that fits perfectly into her pocket. wednesday always had this look on her face when she was finding answers to something, thursday knew that whatever she was trying to find she did find or was going to as her face held her focused look.

the addams girl changed her eyes from the book to her notebook before writing something down and back to the book, it looked like she was in a loop of some sort. she then moved away from the statute, examining whatever it was in her notebook carefully as a pleased look rested on her face before turning back to face the statute.

she snapped twice.

the sound of snapping twice seemed to work as the statue suddenly made a sharp clicking noise. the very back wall behind the statue moved backwards, allowing anyone to enter what looked like a hidden doorway.

thursday only furrowed his brows, what is she up to?

wednesday was quick to walk through the centre, thursday now completely losing sight of her. he waited a few seconds as his eyes roamed the area, but there was no one around. the addams boy approached the statue at the same time his eyes landed on the doorway.

he took a sharp inhale before walking through, he was instantly met with stairs and he noticed how paintings of people thursday had never seen before hung next to them. he stopped halfway on the stairs, he only now noticed how it was some sort of hidden library.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now