15. ( polaroid )

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chapter 15

( polaroid )

thursday missed the poe cup the very next day. in fact, he had yet to move from out of his room. he could hear the cheers of the rest of the school in the distance, an obvious sign that the race was currently on. he wondered if anyone noticed he wasn't there, someone like kit.

thursday had yet to see kit since he walked out of their dorm room, he hadn't even come back to sleep or grab any of his stuff. thursday knew that because he was up all night. why? he didn't know. thursday felt lost.

kits speech made him finally realise all this time, he had been alone, he had no one. not even his sister. he only realised it when the one person who cared for him walked out making him notice how he really had no one.

his eyes were tired and threatened to close on him; he didn't let that happen. thursday had yet to fall asleep, he knew his eye bags were prominent but he didn't care. or, that's what he thought. all this time thursday thought that if he showed he didn't care then he simply doesn't; that wasn't true.

his look of not caring turned out to be a big lie. he does care, he really fucking does care but, god, he wished that he didn't. it felt like he had been living on a lie this entire time. living on his own lie which he didn't even realise was a lie until it was too late.

all thursday could do was wait. his eyes lingered on kits side of the room, he never noticed how he seemed to love his pillows and blankets as his bed was covered in them, all in different colours. he had lights hanging up against his bed with a photo frame on his bedside table which looked to be of a photo of him and enid.

they looked happy together, thursday could only hope to have that relationship with wednesday.

he also noticed a few polaroids hanging up on his wall, each of them containing different people. only one of them caught his eye, it was the one that looked like it was trying to be covered up, not in embarrassment, but because he wanted to have that photo up without anyone noticing.

he was quick to stumble up from his place off his chair and slowly walked towards the photo that was hidden in the very corner of the room. his eyes snapped down to the bottom of the polaroid and it was dated to the day he had arrived.

his hands reached out to grab the photo. the photo of him.

it was obvious thursday didn't know the photo was being taken, he was leaning against the balcony in their dorm room, his eyes wandering to the ground below as his ears were being filled with music by his black headphones.

the moon was high in the back as its light shone right on thursday. it was clear the photo was taken from inside the room rather than out due to the lines of the window which slightly covered the tall boy. he was completely oblivious.

he placed the photo onto kits bed, now feeling a sudden rush of emotion fill his body. he made his way to the balcony, the cheering getting louder and he knew nobody would be asking where he was.

the cheering finally came to one last roar which made it clear to thursday that the race was now over.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now