24. ( invitation )

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chapter 24

( invitation )

thursday wandered through the halls of nevermore as everyone stopped to stare at him. it was obvious that everyone knew that he and kit were going to the dance together, despite the fact that thursday hadn't even asked. i mean, it's not like he was left with a choice.

considering he was already late to class, thursday didn't stop and stare back at them like he usually would, instead, he rushed to class as fast as he could. accidentally slamming the door open wide, everyone's eyes fell on to thursday; all he could do was stare back.

his eyes quickly found kits who was already looking before his eyes turned to ms thornhill who was looking at him with a small surprised look. she quickly shook her head, removing her shocked look before speaking up.

"thursday, glad you could make it, not glad you're late," she explains, her face and words turning slightly stern but thursday doesn't pay any attention to her tone of voice. he just nodded slightly as he made his way over to his seat, beside ajax. everyone's eyes still seemed to linger on thursday as he made his way to his seat, did everyone already know? god, could ajax really not just keep his mouth shut?

he shook away his thought as he sat down, making sure to send a deep glare over to ajax who could only give him an awkward smile back in response as ms thornhill continued with her class - her voice seeming to make everyone's attention move away from the addams boy.

"alright, let me ask this again, shall i? now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in return?" the red-headed woman questioned, her eyes roaming all around the room as she waited for an answer from one of her students.

"nada," bianca piped up, all eyes seeming to now fall onto her, "just like all the guys at the rave'n." she joked, a small chorus of laughter now filling up the room.

"okay, okay. i know you're all excited about saturday, which is why i haven't assigned any homework. but i do still need volunteers for the decorating committee." ms thornhill stated, a small cheer filling the room. however, thursday certainly disagreed with her words, he was not excited for the rave'n, not even in the slightest.

and worst of it all, everyone there expected him to be there with kit. he knew he couldn't just leave kit like that, could he? no, no, he couldn't.

"anyone interested, come up here and see me," she told them, many kids stood up from their seats, eagerly wanting to help. thursday then felt eyes on him, and it was obvious that it was coming from ajax who sat next to him. he looked as if he were waiting for thursday to say something, to say anything, so that's exactly what thursday did.

"the next time you think you can't keep a secret, tell me so i can rip out your tongue and feed it to the rats," thursday spoke harshly, not even looking at ajax as he knew his threat got across - he was just too easy to scare.

"look, man. it just kinda... slipped out?" ajax attempted to come up with an excuse. however, thursday didn't care what he was saying, all he cared about was what ajax said. "no, what will be slipping out are your teeth, one by one." thursday said, slowly turning his head to ajax.

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 , wednesday series . Where stories live. Discover now