|Fukase| Chapter 1.5 #2: Voices.

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(A/N: Some of the things Fukase is saying may not make sense at times. Keep in mind, he's six years old.)

Kagamine Len sat on the windowsill with Rin across from him. He was fiddling with the chess peice: "Growth of Heart" in his hand while deciding if he wanted to put it down. The female Kagamine was getting impatient. "Len," she said, "Are you going to put the peice down?" she asked. Len shrugged.

"If I put this peice down, this will be the time he'll get to school, thus I need to wait until next year. It's only Spring in the human realm." he sighed. "I don't care about his toddler years. That's why I started playing The Dusk Paradigm when he turned four years old."

Rin sighed. "Why are you so difficult?" she mumbled.


In my room, I was on my bed watching TV. There was a Playstation2 with a few games Papa and I play together. My favorites were Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, NFL football, and more. I was watching a cartoon that I don't remember the name of.

I looked over and checked the calendar on the wall, I didn't fully understand it but I knew what the date-thingy was.

Wednesday, December 28th 2002.

Just one more month until I turn seven. Papa told me I have the same birthday as "Henry VII of England," and Papa's name is Henry. It's so silly to think about! I layed down on my bed and watched the cartoon. Soon, I slowly drifted off into a nice long nap.

Soon, a voice woke me up. "Huh?" I said in a tired voice. I could tell Mama or Papa came in and tucked me in. I got out of bed and dragged my blanket wrapped around me downstairs. I heared Mama and Papa talking about something. I peeked over from the wall to take a look.

"What will people think of him? Henry, Fukase could get bullied at a public school. I don't want that for him!" Mama said. "Yuna, don't overthink this. We'll warn and talk to him before he goes off. We've homeschooled him, but now is the time we send him to public grade two." said Papa. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm just too worried. I don't want it to be like how it was for us in school! You know what they did to me."

What's wrong? bullied?

"Yuna, that was long ago," he said, walking closer to Mama. "It'll be just fine. I'm sure he'll make some friends, and who knows? Maybe he'll even find a crush." he laughed. Crush? I haven't really liked anyone, though there is a girl named Mia in my old daycare that was pretty cute.

Erm, anyway...just as I was walking away, Papa said, "I have no clue what'll actually happen for him, but who knows. But overall, it's not like he could get beat up or something there."

Beat up? Like, what I see in the cartoons of when the two characters fought? I should stop worrying-shouldn't I? I wanted to go in the kitchen where Mama and Papa was and ask them about it, but I was nervous. I rubbed my eyes and shook my head. Suddenly, I heard footsteps come closer to me, so I ran back upstairs to my room. I shut the door and turned around-what the?

"You don't want to let him down, do you?" A voice said. I widened my eyes. I got so startled, I was speechless! "Wh-"

Is he a good father?

I shut my eyes and yelled. "NO!"

I turned my head to see Mama standing infront of my doorway. "Fukase, why are you screaming?" "I-I heard a voice." I stuttered. Mama came over and hugged me. "Who was it?" "I don't know." I responded, wanting to cry. Then a tear rolled down my face. "Hm, maybe you need more sleep." she said. I agreed. "I'll get you back to sleep a bit early tonight. Now come on, dinner is almost done."

"Len, why'd you scare him?!" cried Miku. "Scared? Pffft-you're such a pussy! I meant to scare him, I gotta keep him aware." "He's SIX!" "So? He's about to turn seven anyway." "Len, you fucking dickwad, I'm saying that you shouldn't do this. He's a child. Let him be a child."

The male Kagamine grinned. He grabbed Miku by the neck and forcefully choked her. His voice grew heavy. "How about you don't question me? I'll turn your leek-licking little Ms.Perfect ass into a chess piece, and I'll burn it in acid." he threatened. "You wouldn't." she managed to peep.

"Bit cheeky of you." she smiled.


(A/N, for previous readers, I have changed the dates of the story. Fukase is 6-7 now, i changed it from being only 5.)

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