Chapter 6: Out-Of-My-Mind!

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A/N: Mild sexual content.

"Ian!" called the voice of a young girl. A boy turned around, turning his attention to her. He called back. The boy was young, about the age of seven. She swept her orange hair back and smiled. "Ian, Mum left the church unlocked! Come on!" she said. "But- she said we can't go in there." "So what," she giggled, "I wanna go check out the organ! See how big and how many pipes there are!" the girl smiled. Her freckles painted all over her face.

"Hey mom," asked Fukase, "How did you and Papa meet? You know, becoming close and getting married?"

Yuna looked at him and chuckled. "Every kid has to ask their parents this, yes?" she whispered. "I was a transfer student from Japan at Greenwood, the school you go to. We had a few periods together. I fell in love with him at the first sight, but he was honestly quite rude to me, but with reason." Fukase tilted his head. "What's the reason?" he asked. "It's not really my story to tell, but let's just say his father wasn't a good man, and- he just acted under his influence." she explained.

Fukase's eyes widened. " did you two end up the way you are now?" he asked. Yuna layed back on the couch. "I humbled him. He warmed up and soon realized how brainwashed he was. And well, the rest is history. Without me, he definitely wouldn't be here today, vise versa." she smiled. She looked at her son and ruffled his hair. "So you and Papa have a long history?" "Yup. Wanna know what's funny? Before moving, my father got confused and accidentally taught me American English, and 'till this day, I still get it confused. Even living here in the UK since I was ten."

Fukase's jaw dropped slightly. "Wait, American? How?" he said, laughing. The two chuckled, pushing eachother. Fukase loved his mother, she was sweet, fun, and more laid-back than Henry. Yuna got up and stretched. "Alright, hun. I gotta take you to school." "But- ! Oh come on, do I have to go?" he asked, pouting. "Yes, Fukase. Come on, let's go." "Wait- Mom, can we walk there?"

Yuna shrugged. "Alright. Get your things, come on." "Okay!" said Fukase, running upstairs. Yuna walked into the kitchen and found Henry sitting at the table, writing. "Hey, Yuna." "Hey, hun. You still working on that letter?" "Yeah, it's gonna be the death of me. It's for one of my co-workers." "Ah, well, be sure to take your time, I'm gonna walk Fukase to school."

Henry nodded.


After walking Fukase to school, Yuna found herself in her room looking through old photos. She found a picture of Henry when he was eighteen with his old jocky jacket. She found one of him that looked unfamiliar. It was him, he looked about six or seven, smiling with a girl. She had orange hair, green eyes, and beautiful freckles painted all over her face. She cocked her eyebrow and flipped the photo over. She saw the names 'Ian' and 'Alice.' written on the back in cursive.

'Alice?' she thought, 'Wasn't this the girl he told me about who-'

She stopped.

Yuna heard a footstep in the room, but she knew it wasn't Henry. She knows when he's coming upstairs. She turned around and saw nothing.

"Henry?" she called, just to make sure. No answer, she just heard him humming downstairs. 'Probaby just my head.' she thought.

She walked down and confirmed that it was his humming. He was still at the table. "Henry," she smiled. He turned around and swept his bangs out his face. "Hello, sweetness. Something wrong?" "No, not really." she said, sitting in his lap. Henry smiled and put the pen down. He planted a kiss on her nose and sighed. Yuna chuckled and scooted closer. "You think you can pause on that letter? When is it due again?" she questioned. "Tomorrow night."

"Well then, you have some time. Fukase wont be home for another six hours." she whispered, scooting closer. She kissed his lips and felt Henry wrap his hands around her waist. "Yuna-" he managed to peep. He signalled for her to get up, so she did. He picked her up and carried her to their room.

Henry stumbled on top of Yuna and let her unbutton his shirt, while he reached for the box of Durex condoms from his nightstand.

"Good," said Len, "Tomorrow night. Perfect," he said, looking at Rin, waiting for her to play her turn in chess. "Len, do you really need to do this?" she asked, tilting her head. "Of course. I'm Len. I do what I want."

He got up to stretch. Rin snapped her fingers to make the chess board disappear. "We can finish this later. I don't wanna help you create a sex scene." she scoffed. Len chuckled and nugged his twin's shoulder. Miku walked in the room. "You two doing alright? I apologize for the sudden intrusion." she asked, her cheeks turning pink as she faced Rin. Her girlfriend nodded and hugged her. Len whistled and walked out.

Miku put her hands on Rin's hips and kissed her. "You sure you wanna keep this up? You know, Len shouldn't be doing all of this and I know how you f-"
Rin cut her off by putting her finger to her lips. "No, no, it's alright. Len just..."

Rin had to take a moment to find an excuse to defend her brother.

"He just never uses his head." she said, faking a grin, even though Miku could see right through it. Miku shook her head and sighed. "I know you're lying. We talked about this." "I swear! He's just out of his mind sometimes." she said.


Len stood outside the doorway, listening. 'Out of my mind?' he thought. He suddenly busted in the room with a mean scowl on his face. "I'LL SHOW YOU 'OUT-OF-MY-MIND!'" he yelled.

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