Chapter 14: Such a bully you are.

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She was filled with nothing but evil at the moment. She felt satisfied seeing Fukase cry. She loved seeing him scared.

Katie dragged Fukase to one of the trees by the fence nobody normally goes by. He looked at the girl with pure fear. "Please, don't hurt me!" he beseeched. Fukase took a few steps back, absolutely horrified. Katie chuckled. "I thought boys were tough, huh? Coward!" she said, "Coward!"
Fukase trembled, unable to say the right words anymore. Katie pushed him into the fence. Fukase whimpered in fear and gave her pleading eyes.

Before she could make another move, the bell rang. It was time for school to start. Katie rolled her eyes and walked away with Amelia, leaving Fukase stunned and scared shitless. He tried to catch his breath, but he was left hyperventilating. The familiar not-so-brat ran over to Fukase. "Fukase!" said Kate, "You alright!?" Fukase looked at Kate and shrugged. "I—I don't—" "Calm down, dude." she said. She held Fukase's hand and helped him off the fence. Fukase finally was able to catch his breath and held onto Kate.

She sucked her lip and pulled him in for a small embrace. "It's okay, just breathe, okay?" she whispered. Fukase sighed and pulled away. "I don't know." "What happened? I just saw you dyin' over here." "I-— I don't want to talk about it..."

"FUKASE! KATE!" yelled a teacher. Kate held her grip on Fukase's hand and skedaddled inside the building. Fukase kept his eyes directly on Kate. He felt himself flush again as she held his hand and walked with him to class. She was so elegant and sweet. She was the complete opposite of her twin sister. She wasn't a brat at all. She was so nice to everyone.

Fukase couldn't help but admire the way she walked and the way she talked. He didn't have a crush on her or anything, he just really loved how Kate treated him. Unlike Katie who talks in a loud bratty tone, Kate always spoke in a low, graceful tone. Fukase was so bewildered how one twin could be a graceful swan and the other twin is equivalent to a screaming duck. As the two finally entered the classroom, Fukase thanked Kate before sitting down.


Rin and Miku had the palace to themselves. Len went off to Earth and Kaito and Meiko with him so he doesn't do anything stupid in public. Luka had gone for some time to herself. It was just a yellow haired twin and her twin tailed girlfriend.

“So Len went off to Earth without you again, hm?” asked Miku. Rin shrugged. “I requested he go alone. I don't feel like leavin' again.” Miku perked up at the explanation. “Is that so?” Rin nodded. She flopped on the floor. Miku kneeled down next to her. “You just gonna lay here?” she asked. Rin nodded, again. “Tired.” she whispered. Miku ruffled her hair. “I'm gonna go to the washroom.”

Miku stepped down the halls, but stopped as she nearly passed the most important room in the whole palace. The Chess Room. She didn't go in there much, only to tidy up a little or to check on Rin and Len. She wanted to go in, but she was a little paranoid. Nonetheless, she opened the door. The flooring were black and white tiles, like they were mocking a chess board. The room was quite spacious. There was almost nothing in there. However, right infront of her was the window seat the twins sat on, then the chess board.

Nobody had ever touched the board besides Rin and Len. They were the only ones who were supposed to touch it. Miku sat on Len's side and looked at the board. The tiles were black and grey. Some of the pieces were glass clear. Those were played by Rin only. Some were pitch black. Those were played by Len only. The rest were grey. Those were played by both twins. It wasn't just a normal chess game, it was their family chess game, hence why it's so different.

The board has the engraving ‘The Dusk Paradigm’ on the front. Miku was intrigued how they played the game. She would sometimes sit and watch them play if Len allowed her. The most she knew is that the board was able to control anyone's life. Whether it's one person, or multiple people. The concept still confused her a bit. She was tempted to move one of the pieces to see if anything would happen, but she knew better. Oh, but the impulsive thought haunted her. Without a second thought anymore, she went in to touch a piece, but the door opened.

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