Chapter 16: Heart-Shaped Box.

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The next day at school, pupils were chatting about the drama from the petrol station. Kate happened to see Fukase and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and smiled weakly. "'Morning, Kate." "Good day, Fukase! Did you hear about the news at the petrol station?" she asked. Fukase immediately nodded. "I live right down the road from there, it's in view from my house!"

Kate gasped. "Really?" "Yeah, it's so scary!" he said. "Fukase, did you see that they said the guy had a "unrealistic" look? What the heck do you think he was? I mean, every living thing on Earth besides animals and stuff is human right?" she said. Fukase crossed his arms. "Yeah but..." he paused for a second. "That still scares me." he muttered. Kate nodded. "I live right across to the station. Sometimes, my mum gives us money lets Kaitlyn and I walk there."

Fukase's jaw dropped. "Did you guys see the murder?!" he yapped. Kate shook her head. "No. We weren't home at the time, but we came back home by the time it was on the news." "Oh, I see..."

Fukase leaned against a wall. "How come you're the only one who calls Katie by her real name?" he asked, changing the subject. Kate shrugged. "I don't like her nickname. Kaitlyn sounds right. Maybe that's just because I've known her longer than all of you." she said. Fukase looked at the sky. Kate then piped again. "I just wonder who the killer is at the gas station." Fukase looked at the bell as it rang. "I do too," he said, walking away. Kate stood there for a couple moments before following him out the classroom door, grabbing and holding his hand tightly.


Henry was outside sitting at the back porch. He took a small drag off his cigarette before closing his eyes to think. There were many things to cross his mind. His job, Fukase, Daisy and Bella, Yuna, or even the chair he was sitting in. He looked at the clean lawn he had finished just yesterday. It was as green as could be. He looked at the sky and saw it had a orange tint to it. It almost looked like a sunset, but it was only ten in the morning.

He turned his head to see a couple birds tweeting to one another on a powerline. He moved his eyes and saw some flowers in the flowerbed across from him. He took another drag off the cigarette as he looked down to his feet. It was boring. Everything was boring. He sighed before crushing the cigarette in the ashtray and heading on inside to continue work. He rubbed his finger along the table as he walked passed it. He soon made it up to his room before rummaging through his closet and found a red box.

The box had alot of stuff in it. Pills, a bottle of a tar-like substance, needles, and some other stuff. It seems like it's a heroin kit. He sucked some of the liquid into the syringe before rolling his sleeve up and poking himself with it. He gasped slightly as he injected the substance into himself. His arm felt twitchy. He wiped the little blood off his arm from the injection. Drugs make everything better, right? You don't feel the bad for a good while, right?

Henry popped a small grin on his face as he messed around with his hair. He sat on his bed and crossed his legs, feeling his body shiver slightly. He felt like he was in a never-ending facade. His eyes rolled back as he let out a soft chuckle, flopping on his back in the bed. The heroin was already taking effect. He felt euphoric and sleepy.


Another slip up.

"My dad didn't come again." said Fukase to the front office. Mrs. Eve was getting worried. "This has happened alot recently, Fukase," she whispered, "Is everything okay at home? I know how hard it is for you all after what happened with your mum but your dad is still taking care of you, right?" she said. Fukase hesitated, but he nodded slightly. "Uh, yeah. He is."

Mrs. Eve crossed her arms and shook her head. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm sure." he muttered. Mrs. Eve sighed and picked up the phone. "Do we need to call Auntie Teto again?" she asked. Fukase hesitated again. He fucked around with his thumb before mumbling, "I-I don't know."

She sighed. "Is she the only option? Or do we have anyone else?" she asked. Fukase finally gave in and shook his head. "Just call her..." he said. Mrs. Eve smiled and rang the number, hoping she wasn't busy.

"Fuck, Ruko! slow down!" she pleaded. Her boyfriend kissed her neck, holding her hips. Teto's head fell back, but the house phone started ringing. She groaned in annoyance. She reached over to her nightstand and grabbed the phone.

"This better be important." she said, sounding pretty bothered.

"Ms. Kasane, Fukase's father hasn't come to collect him. Is it alright if you come get him again? I apologize for the inconvenience." she said. Teto rolled her eyes. "Yeah, be there soon." she said, instantly hanging up. She looked at Ruko. "I gotta go get Fukase again. Henry keeps forgetting to pick him up. Fucking turn off." she groaned as Ruko pulled away. She got up and threw some clothes on. "I'm getting real worried for them."

Ruko nodded. "Yeah. We should go over one of these days with Rana to see Henry and Fukase." he said. Teto opened the curtains, letting the light in. "Henry's been worrying the fuck out of me." she added.


Kasane and Satoshi were at the door. Shockingly, it was unlocked this time. Fukase got in. Teto waved Fukase goodbye before walking away. Fukase immediately shut the door and covered his nose. It smelled weird. 'Where's papa?' he thought. "Papa?" he called. He walked upstairs and knocked on his door. "Papa?" he called again. Henry opened the door, completely faded out. He smiled and pulled Fukase in for a hug. "Hi, kiddo!" he said. Fukase realized where the smell was coming from. It was him.

Fukase resisted, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. "Papa? Wha-"

Henry snuggled against Fukase. He opened his eyes and looked at him. He was high off his mind. Fukase raised his brow. "Uhm... I'm gonna go in my room." he said, running to his room and shutting and locking the door behind him. He for some reason did not like that interaction. Henry knocked on the door. "Fukase! Open up!" he said with enthusiasm. The kid was gonna open the door before Henry started banging on it.

"PAPA, STOP!" he cried. Henry kept slamming his fist on the door. "I'm lonely, kiddo! Open up, now!" he yelled. It was almost violent yet friendly at the same time. It was a few minutes before Henry finally stopped. It was now silent. He heard the front door open and close. He got up and looked out the window in the hallway. Henry was leaving to go somewhere while high. Fukase looked across the hall and noticed his dad left his door wide open. He went inside the room and next to the bed.

On the nightstand was a dirty red heart-shaped box with needles and stuff inside. The lid next to it read '415' on it. A fairly small bottle was inside the box. It read 'diacetylmorphine hydrochloride' on it. Fukase had no idea how to pronounce that. He left the room, his heart pounding. He wasn't sure what was going on, but ultimately what he was sure of is that he didn't feel safe at all.

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