Chapter 7: Medicine.

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Fukase was infront of the lunchroom, watching other kids run in for food. He eventually walked in, with a small smile on his face. He felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around to see the typical black-hair blue-eyed kid that always followed him around if Katie wasnt bothering him. Manny.

"Fukase, you need to walk slower! I can't keep up!" he chuckled. Fukase sniggered and playfully shoved Manny. "Okay, okay. We get it, you're just slow." he said jokingly. "Say," Manny continued, "you said you had two pet rabbits, right? I'd love to see them!" "Oh uh, yeah that'd be lovely but my Mama and Papa have to agree to you coming to my house, and yours too."

"Ah yeah, we can ask afterschool." said Manny. Fukase and Manny kept walking foward in line, laughing and talking with eachother. Behind them was a Katie, standing with her arms crossed. Next to her was her twin sister, Kate. "Kaitlyn, I think you should leave them be." she said. Katie stomped her foot and wailed. "No! Manny is my friend! I don't want him hanging out with that red-headed freak!" she groaned. Kate gave her a scowl and turned her head.

At the tables, Manny and Fukase were sitting next to eachother, chatting about whatever came to their childish minds. "Like I told you before, my mum is a veterinarian and takes care of animals. She recently brought home a kitty, and her name is Crystal. She's white with-" "MANNY!" called that familiar bratty voice. He turned around to see Katie behind him. He blushed and waved. "Hey, Katie." "Sit with me! I'm lonely." she said, in a fake-sad voice. Manny's eyes sparkled as he tried to make up his mind. He turned back to Fukase. He shrugged.

He turned back to Katie and sighed. "Okay, I will." he said, waving goodbye to Fukase and letting Katie drag him to her table. Fukase had a disappointed look on his face, trying to process what just happened. He felt as if he didn't deserve a friend, since Manny is always dragged away by Katie, and he got an idea of him having a crush on her because of his body language and tone when she's around. He belonged to her, not Fukase. He sighed and looked at his plate. He didn't feel that hungry now, but he decided to eat anyway.

The school day eventually ended, and Fukase was outside waiting for his parents. Manny ran up to Fukase and tapped him. "Hey, my mum said tonight is busy and I can't go over. So you don't need to ask your parents, maybe another day." he said, in a apologetic manner. "Oh well. It's okay." said Fukase, in a sad tone. He hugged him.

Manny blushed and hugged back. He pulled away and giggled nervously. "Uh, nice talking to you but- I-I got to go now. My mum is waiting for me." he said. Fukase waved and smiled. Just as Manny was walking away, Katie walked past him and gave him a pissed look before going to her mother. Fukase looked tired. He turned around to see Yuna walking up to the plaza.

His expression automatically changed and he grew a large smile on his face. He ran as fast as he could and jumped into her arms. "Mama!" he said happily. "Hey, Fufu! How was school?" she asked, hugging him back. Fukase let go and let his expression darken. "It was okay." he said. Yuna cocked her brow. "You sure? You look like it wasn't." "It was good, Mama!" he said. Yuna sighed. "Fukase..."

"Mama, for real!" he said, trying his best not to worry her. "Okay, but you better not be lying to me." she said. "I'm not!" Fukase said as he took her hand and walked back home. The two walked in the door with smiles and chatter.

Behind the house was Len. He was sitting down with his hand on his chin. "I don't want bloodshed. It'll have to be quiet and dainty." he said. Rin scoffed, "Len, I really consider this a bad idea. Why is this so important to you? I know tha-" "Silence." said Len, cutting her off. "Are you the strongest or am I the strongest?" he asked. Rin sighed. "You..."


Henry was in bed, reading, while Yuna was just finishing changing into night clothes. He turned to her and smiled. "Yuna," he said, "you ever think about how much you've changed?" he teased. "What do you mean?" she giggled. She let her long, red hair down, putting her hair tie on her wrist. "Well, I can't exactly put it into words. I guess I've just been around you almost your whole life." he said. Yuna chuckled and checked the clock. It was eleven at night, Fukase was already asleep since eight. Just as she was about to lay next to Henry, she suddenly jumped up. "Fuck," she panicked, I forgot to take my medicine."

Henry raised his brow and sat up. "You need me to get it for you?"
Yuna shook her head. "No, be right back." she said, running downstairs. She walked into the kitchen and looked in the medicine cabinet.

She really should have remembered earlier. Beyond the kitchen was the laundry room. Len was standing there, with a grim smile on his face. Only a few feet away from Yuna.

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