Chapter 12.5: So soft, so sweet.

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'Greenwood, ay?' thought the pale little girl. She looked at a magazine about the town. She tilted her head. 'So this is where she wants to go.....'

Fukase was waiting for Henry to collect him after school. It had been about twenty minutes, and he hasn't arrived at all. His third grade teacher, Mrs. Eve was in the office trying to call, but Henry wouldn't answer. Fukase was sitting in the office with her. He felt concerned on what could be going on with his father. Mrs. Eve eventually gave up. She looked at Fukase with a serious glare.

"Fukase, is there anyone else we can call? Your father may be asleep or busy. Maybe he forgot." she said. Fukase put his head down to think. Mrs. Eve gasped. "Right, hold on, I think we have your Aunt's phone. Teto, right?" she said with a gleeful tone. Fukase smiled and nodded. Mrs. Eve dialed her phone in. It rang for a few moments before she picked up. "Good afternoon, Teto speaking." she answered, playing with the phone cord with the soft whines of baby Rana in the background.

"Hello there, this is Mrs. Eve from Greenwood, Academy for Advanced Learners, are you available by chance to come collect Fukase Satoshi? His father hasn't picked up the phone whatsoever" she asked. Teto looked at the clock and chuckled like a bitch. "Be there in ten." she said with a smile.

Fukase waited for some time, but soon saw that red vehicle pull up. The pretty woman got out with a grin on her face.

Mrs. Eve cocked her eyebrow. "Is...THAT her?" she asked, seeming a bit concerned. Honestly, Teto looked like a damn rockstar from the 80's. She had a leather jacket on and some graphic tee underneath along with crazy jeans. Fukase nodded at her question. "Auntie!" he said, jumping in her arms as she entered the office. "Heya, tiny devil. Do I have to sign him out?" she asked Mrs. Eve. She stared at Teto with a judgemental look on her face. "Uh, yeah, r—right here..." she stuttered. Teto signed the paper and ruffled Fukase's head. "Let's go, kiddo."
Fukase took her hand and skipped to that shiny ass car of Teto's.

Kaito was looking out the window, fiddling with his scarf. Meiko walked towards him and tapped his shoulder. "What's the stress? You don't look so good." she said. "I'm not," said Kaito, "I heard Len is planning something bad."

Meiko raised her brow. "Bad, what bad?" "I don't know for sure. But I heard Len and Rin playing that chess game earlier. He was talking about...war?" he whispered. Meiko crossed her arms. "War? Also, what chess game?" she asked. Kaito finally looked at her. "The Dusk Paradigm." "Oh, they still do that bullshit?" she chuckled. "Meiko!" he snapped. "I'm jokin', I'm jokin'. But about the whole war ordeal...."
Kaito sighed and layed back. "Forget it. Len could be near and he'd be upset if he heard this." he whispered as quiet as he could.

Len was behind the wall, listening in. He snorted. 'upset, huh?' he thought.

Henry weakly waved Teto goodbye as Fukase got inside. "Papa, why didn't you get me earlier?" he asked. Henry rolled his eyes. "Hush." he said. He stumbled upstairs. Fukase blinked a few times in confusion. "Papa? Are you okay?"

"Shut up."
"But Papa, you don't—"
"Shut up!"

A drunk Henry turned to Fukase with a glare. "Go turn on the television or whatever. Get 'outta here!" he yelled. He slammed the door to his room. Fukase was left puzzled. He felt somewhat offended too. Fukase sighed and put his bag next to the coat rack. He just now happened to notice something. Yuna's old black jacket was still hanging there. Felt it. It didn't feel as soft anymore. He smelled it. It still smelled like her.

Fukase was automatically able to recognize Yuna's scent. Her scent smelled sweet and comforting, like fresh morning grass after a night storm or freshly baked pie. He jumped up and grabbed the jacket off of the rack and smelled it again. He felt tears form in his eyes. He let them fall on the jacket. Fukase fell to his knees and sobbed, letting each tear fall on the jacket.

He looked over to see that beautiful urn with her name engraved into it. He closed his eyes and tried to stop his tears. He threw the jacket back on the rack.

"He's changed a bit since you left," he broke to himself, "please, just come back."

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