Chapter 5: Not gonna start now.

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Fukase blinked, thinking he was going crazy. But he's seven, it's not like he's smart enough to know what insanity was. He layed back down, trying to fall asleep again. But he couldn't. He could have sworn he heard someone talking.

"Who was that...?" He asked to himself. He rubbed his head, messing up his fluffy red hair more than it was. He sat up, rubbing the back of his head. He thought it was probably a dream, but it felt so weird.

 He thought it was probably a dream, but it felt so weird

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Fukase got up and walked up to his window. He peeked from the blinds, looking at the cloudy, night sky. He could still hear his family talking. He was a little scared, so he exited his room to talk to his parents. He saw the guest room door was half open. He noticed a small, sleeping Rana in bed. He peaked in the room.

The open curtains exposed the night sky, reflecting on her light pink hair. Fukase never thought he'd have a baby cousin in his life. Rana was a sweet baby, she was energetic and happy. Before he could move, he heard footsteps on the stairs. Fukase shrieked and sprinted back to his room across the hall. He jumped on his bed, his heart beating. That was close.

Miku and Rin were in Rin's room, since Miku rarely used hers. She liked cuddling with her in her room instead. The twin-tailed haired girl sighed and looked at her girlfriend. "What is Len gonna do?" she asked, snuggling against Rin. The female Kagamine sighed. "I don't know for sure. But I know he's 'afraid' of Yuna. I have a bad feeling about this."

Miku's eyes widened. "Oh God, don't tell me..."

A couple of months eventually sweeped by, it now being April, 2003. The weather was warmer, and kids were wearing their short sleeve uniforms, boys now wearing shorts and shorter socks. Fukase found himself in the school yard. Kids running around, playing, laughing, and more. Manny walked up to him and waved.

"Fukase!" he called. The boy turned to him, but was suprised by a hug. "O-Oh hey, Manny! What's going on?" "Whatcha' mean? Nothing, really. Just getting warmer out since its about spring time. Look, trees and flowers are blooming." he said, sounding excited. "Yeah...I can see that."

Before he could say anything, Katie walked over to the two boys. "Manny! What are you doing, talking to him?" she asked, irritated. Manny panicked, his cheeks turning pink. He always had a crush on Katie since they were four years old. "N-Nothing! It's nothing." "Right." said the girl. She walked over to Fukase and examined him. "I hope you know that you aren't cool enough for us. Why are you talking to him?"

Fukase tilted his head. "Wha- I didn't mean to cause trouble! He came to me first." he explained, panicking. Katie snarled and grabbed Manny by the wrist. "Let's go." she said. Turning her head to Fukase one last time and sticking her tongue out.

Fukase tilted his head, confused by the bully. "I thought she was nicer than that..." he thought. The bell rang, so that implied school as in.


The year was going to be over soon enough. On July 26th, 2003, second grade would end, leading into third. Fukase was a young kid, probably one of the youngest kids in his grade. But thankfully he got into this school, advanced learning for children his age and so on. It felt odd, not going to a normal public school. This one was more wealthy. Not private, though.

Fukase found himself fidgeting in class, playing with his fingernails. Kids in class were drawing, talking, and goofing around until class started. Fukase poked his head up. He saw Katie talking and giggling with another girl. Manny was coloring with some random kid. Fukase was alone at his table. He didn't mind that. He enjoyed being alone. Of course, that didn't last long. Katie walked over, leaving the girl she was talking to watching.

"Oi, redhead. I-"

Katie snickered.

"I like your hair color. I- It looks really cool on you." she grinned, smugly. Fukase was a little shaken that someone like her would compliment him. "Really?" "Pff-"

"Of course not! I bet that's dyed too, isn't it?" she smirked. Her smug smile made Fukase want to tear up. "Oh. I-" "Amelia! Come look at this, he thought I was serious complimenting him!" she laughed. A dirty blonde girl walked over. "Oh poor Fukase. You must be confused, aren't you?" she laughed. Fukase's face turned red. He hid his face in embarrassment.

"Oh and- don't even think about telling on us." whispered Katie. She grabbed her friend's hand and skipped back to their own table. Fukase looked back up. He tilted his head, a little confused and disappointed. He wasn't sure to be offended, but he was embarrassed.

Hours have passed by. A agonizing day of school passing by. Fukase found himself in the main plaza of the school. The floor was so clear, it almost was like glass. You could see yourself through it. Right above him was an actual glassed ceiling. So much for a wealthy school.

"Fukase!" called an annoying voice. The boy turned his head to see Katie. "Yes?" he replied, clearly annoyed. The girl skipped past him, making sure to trip him while she was at it. She skipped away, exiting the school to her parents. 'Oh, of course.' he thought. Fukase shook his head. Why was she always bothering him? He saw Manny, and his 'brother' walk by to exit the school.

Fukase sighed and walked outside, fiddling with his green tie. This school year was already difficult with Katie bothering him everyday, but other than that, it was okay, right?

Len was in his lair, chuckling. He shook his head and lifted it up, facing his twin sister. "Alright, no more waiting.” he said. Rin shivered. "Len, is there ever someone you wouldn't harass?" she asked. Len leaned back dramatically.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Haven't lied to you yet, not gonna start now."

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