Chapter 15: Bright and Scary.

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"Hold me close, I'm scared."


Fukase was at the kitchen table completing homework. Henry walked downstairs to grab a water bottle from the fridge. "Hi, Papa." he said. Henry slammed the refrigerator door. "Замолчи." he replied. Fukase perked a little. "Ты в порядке?" asked Fukase. Henry took a sip from the bottle, washing out the alcohol from earlier. He didn't answer. Fukase felt concerned. "Папa?" asked again. Henry turned his head. "Shut up." he snapped. Fukase stared at Henry. Henry pretty much chugged the bottle before tossing it in the recycle bin.

"Is my Russian bad or something?" asked his son. Henry sighed loudly like an annoyed teenager who's mom didn't allow them to go out with friends. He looked at Fukase with a mean glare. "What fucking part of shut up do you not understand!? Are you stupid?! Ты раздражаешь!" he snapped. He rolled his eyes and stormed back upstairs. Fukase listened for Henry's door to shut. Once he did, he went upstairs to his own room and picked up Yuna's jacket he kept. He walked back downstairs with the jacket in his arms, since it was his only source of comfort at the moment.

However, he couldn't even pick the pencil back up for a second. He felt tears forming in his eyes once again. Though this time, it wasn't about Yuna, but rather about Henry. He tried to pull it together and wrote his last sentence before storing the paper in his folder. He put it in his bag. As he got upstairs, he flopped on his bed and held the jacket close to him. Looking out his window, he saw the foggy dark blue scenery as rain poured down. Fukase looked around his room.

The television infront of his bed with his PlayStation next to it, his chest of drawers with some clothes hanging out, his nightstand that has a mini lamp, a book, a action figure, and a framed photo. The photo was a picture of Henry, Yuna, and himself. It was taken only a couple weeks before Yuna died. Henry and Yuna had large grins on their faces. She was holding Fukase in her arms, who had a neutral face, with his finger in his mouth like a toddler. Fukase got up and leaned over his window, watching the raindrops race on it.

He wanted to know what the big deal was! First, his mother dies, second, the bullying only got even worse and more physical, third, his father changed terribly. He sat down on the floor against his wall below the window. He felt depressed about everything. He didn't have many real friends and everything had just gone to shit. The only "real" friend he could think of was Kate. Manny hung out with him too, but he leaned towards Katie more. He felt grateful for Kate, honestly. But then he had a lot of trust issues because of her sister, so he's still just a little bit iffy.

Fukase decided to try distracting himself because if he didn't, he'd just be a sobbing mess on the floor. He got up and turned on his television. The news was on. He found something that caught his eye right when he was about to switch the channel.

‹LIVE NOW. Cashier and two teens found dead in local Petrol Station.›

The pictures of the two teens were nobody he knew. However, that exact station was right up the road, it was literally right in view from his house. Out of his usual curiosity, Fukase hurried downstairs and swung the front door open. He jumped off his porch and onto the sidewalk to see interviewer's and police at the station. He hurried back in the house and upstairs.

The television was still on. There was a description of the suspect on the side. Fukase squinted his eyes a little to read it.


"What the heck?" Fukase said to himself. He was a little scared to say the least, he was only eight, but he was mostly confused. He always noticed that not much crime he knew of happened in his area. He'd know, He sometimes watches the news out of boredom, and Henry is always watching the news and he doesn't see crime much. If there was, it's usually stealing from a store and things like that.

But the deaths weren't his biggest concern right now. His biggest concern was the fact the suspect was described with 'unrealistic features' as if the monster under his bed escaped. He knew the program said it was likely a costume, but wouldn't it be easy to identify a costume? He wanted to tell Henry about it, but he was nervous because of how upset he seemed earlier. The pictures of the suspect were very blurry and nearly impossible to identify. Fukase felt so paranoid now.

He decided to change the channel. However, it was just the same stuff. He turned the television off and threw the remote, since he was scared. The remote hit the wall, causing Henry to get up. He opened Fukase's door. "What was that?" he asked. Fukase whipped around so fast, his heart beating. "Nothing--!" he said nervously. Henry crossed his arms. "You think I'm stupid? What was it?"

"Okay, I threw the remote because I got scared."
"The news!"

Henry cocked his eyebrow. "What?" he whispered. "People died!" yelled Fukase. "Kid, quiet down! Why are you yelling?" "Because people were killed on the news! It's Live!" Henry rubbed his forehead. "You really believe that shit? Nobody here has gotten murdered." he said, slamming the door shut, leaving Fukase alone. "Wh-what the- I'm--!"

He couldn't really finish his sentence. He just fell to his knees in defeat like a cartoon character. As he looked out of the window, he saw that the rain cleared up. It was sunny again, and the grass was as green as ever. The sun beaming on the pavement. He sighed and ruffled his hair.

He just wanted him to believe him. The news wouldn't lie to him, right? Right?


Falling, falling, falling...
It's been about a year now or so? I saw clouds and a golden brown sky. I closed my eyes kept falling in the sky like a meteor. There seems to be no end. Just...falling.

My long red hair flowed in the wind as I kept falling at a high speed. That damn yellow haired boy. Demons? Descendant? Me? I opened my eyes again, only to be blinded by sunshine. The sky was blue. I reached my hands out and tried reaching for it, but I kept falling.

Something...anything...I can't think straight anymore...just...falling.

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