Chapter 4: Snow White.

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Later on, the bell rang, indicating school was over. Kids packed their bags and lined up to go. Bus riders were in the canteen, and Pick-up kids were outside in the front.

Fukase looked at the clear sky, noticing it cleared up after being so cloudy this morning. Mrs.Mary walked outside to the red boy. "So," she said, "how was your first day, Fukase?" Fukase shrugged. "It was a bit scary...but I did somewhat make a friend. That 'Manny' person that showed me around was really sweet to me." "Oh really? I'm sure the two of you will be great friends- oh, is that your mother?"

Fukase instantly turned around to see Yuna walk up to the front gates to pick up Fukase. The red haired boy instantly smiled and ran into his mother's arms. "Mama!" he cried. "Hey Fukase! How was your day?" "It was scary, but I made a friend! Where's Papa?" he said, happy he got to see his mother's face again. "Ah, that's good! And he's working in his office, I had to pick you up." Ms.Mary walked up to Yuna. "Ah, Mrs.Satoshi! Fukase did so well today, he was so well behaved, he followed directions and made a friend. He's probably one of the most well-behaved students in the class!"

Yuna's eyes widened, and she grinned. "That's my boy. I'm happy he was good, and for his first day too? Shucks, you really are my son!" she joked, ruffling his hair. Fukase smiled. He turned his head, and he saw that girl. Katie.

He cocked his eyebrow as he watched her walk with her twin sister and her mom. Her family looked...oddly perfect. He watched her get in that bright white car. He shook his head and turned his attention back to Yuna.

Katie was in her room, looking at a photo. It was a photo of her and a unfamiliar girl. Her hair was albino white and her skin was pale as snow. She had a big, bright smile on her face.

She groaned, just the sight of that girl made her angry

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She groaned, just the sight of that girl made her angry. Stupid, stupid girl. She hated her with all her heart. She couldn't believe she was friends with her.

Before she could think anything else, the door opened. Her twin, Kate, walked in. "Kaitlyn? Are you okay?" she whispered. "I think so. You know that new kid? Fukase?" she asked. "I think Manny is trying to be friends with him. I can't let that happen! Manny has been my friend since forever! You've been friends with Leo for a while too, right? Manny's brother?" "Yeah, I have. Leave him alone, you can't keep him away from Fukase! I love making new besties!"

Katie pouted. "Fine...."

The night grew dark, Katie layed under her blanket, thinking about that girl. It's been 2 weeks since she saw her. She couldn't help but clench her fist even at the mere thought of her. She closed her eyes and tried to drift off to sleep, thinking about that girl. That snow white-haired girl.

Meanwhile with Fukase, he was im his room, watching TV until he fell asleep. He had family over spending the night. His Aunt Teto, Uncle-in-law Ruko, and his baby cousin, Rana came over to spend some time together. He could hear his family talking downstairs in the living room. He wasn't exactly sure what they were saying, but he could hear something about Rana and school. Rana was about one year old right now, and she was going to start school when she's five, and Fukase would be about eleven. He imagined walking in the same halls as her.

He shook off the thought and rolled over on his back. He yawned and shut his eyes. Fukase fell fast asleep.

"Good, my sweet boy. Sleep well." said a familiar voice. The male Kagamine sat on Fukase's bed, watching him sleep. He put his hand on his forehead. He caressed his crimson red hair and smiled. Rin was leaning against the wall next to his bed. "You know, you don't have to watch him sleep, right? You goofball." said the female Kagamine. Len chuckled. "Dont bother. It's not like he'll wake up." "Oh really? look at him."
Len's eyes widened.

Fukase thought he heard something. But when he opened his eyes, they were gone.

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