Chapter 2: Public Fate.

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(A/N), hey reader! I know Rin and Len are usually pictured to be cute and all, but for this please try picturing them more serious and monster-like in certain situations. Just a heads up :)

The boy opened his eyes, and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before realizing he was conscious again.

Fukase turned over to see his dad kneeling down next to him. "Hey kiddo, I need you to get ready. I have your uniform on your dresser over there. You're going to public school." said Henry, whispering for Fukase's sake, as he just woke up. Fukase widened his eyes. "WHAT?" he shouted. "Shh, Fukase, your mother is still waking up!" "Sorry, Papa! But what?! I want to stay homeschooled! You can't do this to me!" the crimson-haired boy protested. "Fukase, I'm sorry, but with a lot on already tied on our tails, we have to send you to public school. It'll provide better learning and maybe you'll even make friends! I'm sorry, but this is it kiddo, this is why I woke you up."

Fukase sat up and crossed his arms. "But Papa!" "Ezra, I'm not going to argue with you. C'mon, wash up and get downstairs. Breakfast is ready." said Henry. He got up, and right before he left, he said, "Oh, and I don't want that attitude brought with you to school. Both your mother and I and the school expect you to be on your best behavior, got it?" Fukase slowly nodded. "Yes..."

Henry smiled. "Come on, you'll be okay. Smell that? That's the smell of pancakes that are gonna get cold if you don't hurry up!" he said. He left the room. Fukase sighed. He brushed his teeth and proceeded downstairs to eat.

About 20 minutes later, he looked at himself in the mirror. He always questioned that round little face of his, or why his hair was so red. Yuna always told him it was out of luck, but he wasn't sure to believe luck was the case, even being a seven-year-old. Public second grade wasn't something he imagined. He felt nervous, like any other kid on their first day of school. Fukase looked at his calender.

February 19th, 2003.

With his birthday already passed, he was completely at age now for second grade. Fukase didn't wanna do this, but he knew he had no choice. Henry helped him put the uniform on, and Fukase actually was somewhat impressed. He didn't look too bad. Botton up white shirt, green jeans and a geen tie. Well, he needed help with the tie. But it didn't look as bad as he thought. However, the colour threw him off. "Why is it so green?" he said.

Henry chuckled. "It's because of your grade level. Kindergarten through second is green, third through fifth is red, sixth through eighth is blue, and nineth through twelfth is black." "Ew, why is it color coded?" asked the boy. Henry shrugged. "I assume it's because it organizes the students and their grade to put less stress on staff." he explained. Fukase nodded, trying to act like he knew what his father was talking about. "Anyway, I think you look good in your uniform! Here, let me tie your tie for you."

Len put a chess piece down, "Public Fate." Rin broke a sweat, as the two sat down on the windowsill. "Len...isn't it too early?" she asked. He shook his head. "He's gonna be just fine, Rin. Well, at least for now." "What do you mean for now!?" said Rin, visibly concerned. Len sighed. His claws were out. "I'm gonna have to do something about Yuna." "Why do you hate her so much?" asked the female Kagamine. Her younger twin shook his head. "I don't hate her," said Len, "I'm afraid of her."

Fukase looked out the window of the car, as he was being driven to school. Yuna turned her head to him. "Fukase, aren't you at least a little excited?" she asked, with a faint smile. Fukase shrugged. "Yeah, but Mama, I'm a little scared! What if I fail? What if I get made fun of?" he asked. Yuna snickered. "You're not gonna fail or get made fun of, honey. You're going to be just fine. Plus, even if you get bullied, you know to ignore them. Those kids have no sense in them." she smiled. "I'm sure you'll make friends." Henry added, "And would you look at that! The school is right up here!"

Fukase moved around in his carseat, which became a habit. He always had a habit for moving around or fiddling with something when he's nervous. His heartbeat got thicker. He was scared now. The car pulled up, and Henry helped Fukase down. "Fukase, your father and I went to this school when we were your age." said Yuna, trying to make him less nervous. Fukase sighed. "What was it like?" he asked. Yuna sighed as well. "It was something, that's for sure. And I hope it all goes better for you."

Henry stayed silent for a few seconds when she said that. He remembered the past, all of the shitty things he did. All of the things he didn't want to remember. He nodded and whispered, "Yeah, it sure was something. A good kind of something though," he lied. Only to make Fukase feel better.

As they entered the property, there were kids everywhere outside at the main square. However, the family entered the building into the office. Ms.Milten, the secretary greeted them. "Why good morning, Satoshi's!" she said. "Morning." said Henry and Yuna. Fukase just smiled and waved. The fear was building up. While his parents were looking at Fukase's info, the boy turned around, looking at the colorful office. He saw a girl sitting in a chair. She had short hair, with a small side ponytail tied with it. Her hair was a light strawberry blonde along with sparkly pink eyes. She looked at Fukase and cocked her eyebrow. "Uh, hi? What are you looking at? Who even are you?" "Oh...I'm Fukase." he stuttered. "What kind of name is that?" She whispered. Fukase shrugged. "What's your name?" he asked. "Uh, Kaitlyn. Or just Katie."

The two stared at eachother for a minute. Then, Katie turned her head, and mumbled, "Weirdo." under her breath.
Fukase heard it, he didn't respond. Then, he didn't even realize his parents were calling his name. "Fukase!" called Yuna. "Oh- ! Yes, mom?"

"Here, your planner. You have all your things?" she asked. Fukase nodded. "Good! It's time for us to go. You still have time to spare until school starts, 'kay?" "...Okay." mumbled the boy. The 3 walked outside. "I want you to have a good day, alright sweetness?" said Yuna, "stay out of trouble and we'll see you in a few hours. Time will pass by before you know it." Fukase shook his head. "Please, don't leave!"

Yuna laughed and kissed him on the forehead. "You'll be okay. Bye bye!" she said. Henry waved along her words. Fukase waved, and the couple were off. The boy watched them drive off. A tear ran down his cheek. However, his world got blurry. Everything stopped.

A male Kagamine appeared behind him. He put his hand on his shoulder and whispered, "You'll be okay, Fukase. You know it won't last for long, right?" Don't be scared. I'll always be watching.

He disappeared. Fukase didnt even have time to turn and look behind him. Everything went back to normal, as if nothing happened. Fukase looked around, rubbed his eyes, and started crying. None of the other kids running around noticed him.

He wiped his tears as the bell rang, indicating school has started.

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