Chapter 12.5 #2: So soft, so sweet.

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I knew something was going on. I wandered these dark streets until I reached Greenwood. This was a great town. It was fun and there were always sweet boys and girls running around and playing. It seemed a little gloomy now though. I wandered all the neighborhoods until I reached Cherry St. I walked on the wet sidewalk, my bare feet sit in front of eachother within each step.

I reached that familiar house. The one with a sign on the door that said 'Satoshi' on it. I reached my arm out and found myself inside the house through phasing. It looked the same for the most part. The living room seemed a bit messy. I made my way upstairs to see four rooms. The bathroom, the closet, Henry's room, and Fukase's room. I went into the red head's room and saw him sleeping. His eyes were puffy and there were some dried tears on his face. I smiled and touched his forehead. His skin felt so warm and soft.

I reached Henry's room. The poor man was all alone. I felt horrible. I hated seeing him like this. He's been living in misery ever since the incident. I sat on the bed next to him as he was asleep. I can't believe I'd just let these two suffer like this. I closed my eyes and thought for a minute. I got up quickly and sighed. The house felt so cold. It was always so warm. Why is it so different now? Agh, forget it. I have to go deal with Len. That fucking bastard.


It was cloudy and gloomy. Again. The pale girl happened to be looking through her basement's storage since she was moving soon. There was bunches of random rubbish. Her eyes narrowed towards a picture in one of the boxes, a really unfamiliar picture. There was a lady with dark, straight hair and tan skin in a hospital bed holding a baby wrapped in a blanket. She couldn't see the baby's face or anything. Beside the woman was a man, who seemed to be Japanese. His hair was slick back and he had a proud smile on his face. The woman didn't look like her mother, and the man didn't look like her father, and she didn't know who that baby was. Perhaps some family friends she didn't know about?

She noticed another a picture in the box. It was a picture of her when she was about five or six, next to that stupid girl. Katie. Annoyed, she sighed and put the pictures back. She leaned against one of the pillars of the basement and balled up, resting her head in her knees.

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