Chapter 8: Blood on Mama's lip.

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A/N: Blood and graphic description of death.

The snow-white haired girl was sitting at the table, drawing. She was eight years old, and her mother, Sofia, talked about moving when she turns ten or eleven. As she went through these pictures, she found pictures of her and her ex-friend. She can't believe she would betray her and hang out with new friends. She used to be popular, now she just gets bullied all the time ever since her betrayer and her friends moved schools.

She was always reminded of her, and she didn't know why. Why can't she just forget about her? Why can't she just move on? She slapped the table and sighed. She just couldn't focus, so she looked out the window, her beautiful indigo-purple eyes shining in the sunlight.

She got up and walked up to her room, only to be interrupted by her mother. "Sweetness," she said, "Your father and I decided once we move, you'll switch schools too. You'll probably be moved to a more advanced school. I know this place, something called 'Gre—'" "Mama!" she said, cutting her off.

The young girl paused. "I— I don't know if I can fit into another school." "Honey, you don't have to fit in. You're acting like you fit into the school you're at right now." said her mother, in a rather cold tone. The girl stepped back a little bit. "But—" "Mija, don't 'but' me. You'll be just fine." she said. She kissed her daughter on the cheek. The girl smiled and walked upstairs.

In her room, she sat on her bed. She doesn't want to be a outsider. She wanted to be included. She wanted to do something in her life. She wanted friends. But-— but how?

Len stood only a few feet away from Yuna. Before she could take her medicine, she heard his voice speak to her. "Yuna, descendant from the battles between Heaven and Hell." he said. Yuna instantly turned around, her heart pounding out of her chest. "Who are you!? H-H—!"

Len cut her off by appearing behind her pressing his hands on her mouth, so she couldn't scream. Yuna was strong but— she couldn't fight back. He was too strong for her. She stomped and tried squirming her way out, but she couldn't. He protracted his arm, and forcing it to grow and turn a gross jet black color with sharp claws.

"Yuna Satoshi, the star of Henry's life. The one he always had to to worry about. You know, I'll never forgive you, your kind killing my family." Yuna cocked her brow. "Wh-what do you mean?!" She managed to peep, but really muffled because of Len's hand. Len grinned, and let out that devious little chuckle. "Shh, my dear. Go to sleep..."

Right as Yuna tried to peep out something else, without a second thought, he impaled her stomach. She screamed, but it was muffled from Len's hand, as he pressed down harder.

Tears ran down her face, as Len removed his claws from her stomach and let the blood spray out. His hand was pressing so hard against her mouth, she felt like it was going to crush her skull. Len pressed his finger and dug his nail into her lip, causing it to bleed out. Yuna's vision started to blur as she lost blood in such a fast amount of time. She tried reaching her arm out but— she failed. The pain was unbearable, she didn't know what to do. She couldn't do anything to stop the bleeding, it was all happening to quickly.

Her tears soon faded, as her vision blurred more. "Go to sleep, my dear..." whispered Len. The pain soon started to ease as she started to feel light. Her brain felt like it was emptying out all of it's functions, like you're dumping something out of a window.

Yuna's vision went completely black. Her muscles finally eased, and she was dead. Len let go of her, letting her fall against the counter on the floor. Len found himself standing in the puddle of Yuna's blood. The puddle got bigger, as her body kept relasing her fluids. Len retracted his arm, watching it turn back to normal.

He kneeled down and pet her head. He snapped his fingers, making the blood disappear. Her body stopped bleeding, as he made her wound close up with a simple touch. He could have done this earlier, but he was so determined to see her bleed out to death and suffer. Now, the scene was clean to the point it just looked like she passed out. He smiled, his fangs shining in the oven's overhead light.

While Henry had fell asleep while Yuna was dying, Fukase had woken up to use the bathroom. The upstairs bathroom was right across from his room, so he got up to go. But before so, he noticed that the door to Henry and Yuna's room was open, and he saw only Henry was in it. Out of the curiosity of a seven-year-old, he was curious where she was. He slowly crept to Henry's office/guest room, and didn't see her there. He checked the closet, wasn't there either.

The only rooms upstairs were those four. So, he had no choice but to go downstairs. He was a little scared though, because it was dark. He wasn't scared of the upstairs, because the lamp on Yuna's side of her room was on. As he walked towards the steps, and noticed light coming from the kitchen.

He walked downstairs, and noticed it smelled off. He went into the kitchen and gasped, seeing his mother's body, alone, leaning against the cabinet. He ran over to her. "Mama? Mama!" he panicked. He didn't think she was asleep, because he was smart enough to know she wouldn't just fall asleep in the kitchen. He shook her body, and saw her lip had blood on it. Fresh, wet blood. But there wasn't blood anywhere else. He noticed she wasn't breathing either, so she definitely wasn't asleep.

He stepped back in horror and confusion. All he could do was scream.

"Papa! PAPA!" he cried, feeling tears run down his cheeks.

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