Chapter 17: Skippin' Class, Apparently.

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"I never thought it'd be this way but-- I can't complain."


More crime and suspicious intent has been going around for the past year. The school had a assembly about the situation and made sure to keep an extra eye on students an staff.

With that being said, nine-year-old Fukase found himself in the boy's washroom, looking in the mirror before washing his hands. His hair had grown out a little longer even after Henry continuously cut it for him. He saw a familiar boy walk in the washroom with him.

He saw Manny smiling at him in the mirror. "Fukase, you alright? You wana come over after school today?" he asked. Fukase shrugged as he dried his hands. "I don't know. Maybe." he whispered. Manny clapped his hands. "I heard we're getting a new kid soon. Apparently it's a girl, I think." Fukase raised his eyebrows. "Wait, really?" "Yeah, apparently she's from another country too. I don't know, that's just what Ms. Mary told me."

"Ms. Mary? She teaches year two though. We're in year four." said Fukase. He looked down at his tie, which was now red. His uniform upgraded from green to red now that he's nearly an intermediate kid. Manny shrugged. "She said she knew the kid's mom. Now that I think of it, the red uniform matches your hair and eyes." he said, "I think it's pretty cool looking." Fukase fidgeted around with his tie with small rosy cheeks. "Thanks."

Manny, who is now ten, grabbed Fukase's hands, still damp from washing them. "We should pick on the new kid." he whispered deviously. Fukase took a step back. "Are you crazy!? No!" he whined. "Suit yourself, big guy." he said. Fukase exhaled. "'Big guy?' What happened to calling me a small bunny?" he said, "Let's just go back to class before our teacher gets suspicious." said he, storming out the washroom. Manny shrugged and followed him. In the hallways, he was stopped by a certain student. Her light strawberry blonde hair was longer, now tied in two low pigtails. Manny admired her for a second. Fukase turned around and yapped. "Dude, stop looking at Katie." Manny sighed. "She's just so..."

Fukase grabbed Manny's hand. "Come on, we're gonna be in trouble!" he snapped. Manny was in a small trance as he watched his friend fade in the large hallway. However, he instantly snapped out of it when he heard a loud, upset voice. Their teacher, Mr. Rob, was towering over the two boys. "Do you two have any idea how long you've been gone!? Nearly twenty minutes! You're only supposed to be gone five max! This has happened twice now!" he snapped.

Manny shook his head. "We're sorry, Mr. Rob! We won't do it again!" he cried. "You said that the last time, and here you are. This school has high expectations, you know. I'm disappointed in you two. Especially you, Fukase. You should be ashamed of yourself. You were one of the top students in my class." he said, looking directly into his eyes. Fukase's eyes widened. Manny looked at Fukase, who was trying his best to hold back his sobbing.

"Come see me before lunch, you two. I'll be calling your parents."

Fukase froze. His eyes darted to Manny, who only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. Fukase has gotten in trouble only a couple times in the past, but not enough for his parents to be called. Mr. Rob dragged the two kids back to class, but that didn't help whatsoever. Fukase was hyperventilating. He didn't know how his father would react to this. He started panicking, and nearly crying in his seat. He started to put his head down, but Mr. Rob jumpscared him by smacking his ruler on the table. "Heads up!" he snapped.

A couple kids stared at Fukase. They would normally laugh, but the teacher was so strict even the bullies were scared of him, so the just grinned and smirked at Fukase. He sighed as his teacher walked around the room more. Fukase's partner, who was a sweet girl named Sadie, poked his arm to get his attention. "Hey, I'm sorry you had to go through that. Katie told me you and Manny got yelled at by him." she whispered as quietly as she could. Fukase tapped his thighs. "It's okay." he whispered back, with a small beam on his face. Sadie was a bit taller, who stood at 160 cm. Fukase only stood at 144 cm. He was a bit short for your average fourth grade boy. Fukase turned his head away and looked outside, the beautiful late morning sun beaming through the windows. "He's an ass." whispered Sadie.

The bell rang soon, and it was lunch time. But Fukase and Manny weren't in the cafe. They were stuck in the principal's office. The principal sighed. "Seeing you two here highly disappoints me." he said. Mr. Becker stacked a couple papers evenly before giving them to Fukase and Manny. "I'll be the one calling your parents. You two write an apology letter to Mr. Rob and I while I call." he said. Fukase sighed. "Yes, sir." he whispered. Manny rolled his eyes.

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

Fukase had his down listening to the frustrated yelling of Henry. "You're fucking crazy! At your age, I was paying attention and I wasn't skipping class with my friends!" he yelled. The redhead gripped his shirt with tears in his eyes. "I-- I wasn't skipping! He jus-"

"Look at me." said Henry.

Fukase looked up at him, only to receive a slap across the face. His tears started pouring out of his eyes. Henry scoffed. "Quit the damn crying! You won't be interrupting me as I talk, young man." he snapped. Fukase tried his best to suck it up as he looked away from him. "Go to your room."

Fukase ran upstairs and made sure to shut his door all the way, since he normally keeps it cracked open. He hid under his sheets and cried his eyes out into his pillow. He screamed into the pillow, letting all his frustration out.


Len reused the 'Public Fate' chess piece. He looked rather bored. Rin was continuously tossing her piece up and down in her hand. She looked up at her brother. "Well? You seem tired." she said in a teasing tone. Len shrugged. "My plan is going how I want it. Got rid of Yuna, now I just need Fukase to-" "Len, hold on. Give him a chance. He's only a kid!" said Rin, putting down the piece, 'Territorial Touch.'

The male Kagamine rolled his eyes. "You're too persistent." he said. Rin reached into her pocket and pulled out her pack of cigarettes. She lit one with a lighter from her other pocket. Len didn't smoke much, but he held his hand out for one. Rin threw him the pack and the lighter. "So," she said before taking a drag, "You gonna listen to me for once?" Len crossed his legs. "No, of course not. Fuck you," he whined, "I'll do shit my own way." Rin chuckled. "Have fun fucking it up." she laughed. Len groaned. "Very funny." he said, snatching the cigarette out of her mouth and burning it out on her thigh.

"Fuck--!" she cried, jumping backward. Len threw the remains of the cigarette at her face before getting up and walking out the room. She admitted to herself she went too far on him. She grinned when he exited the room. "Motherfucker."

She rolled her eyes and crawled to Len's side of the chessboard and removed the piece, 'Public Fate' and replaced it with 'Dark Night.' she then tapped the board, making the game work the magic before putting them back to normal. She lit another cigarette.

She heard footsteps coming towards the room. She quickly got back into place with a fake-irritated look on her face. Len walked back in the room. "You got your act together?" he asked. Rin nodded. "Yeah. Let's keep playing."

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