Chapter 13: Freakshow.

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"Hey kiddo," whispered a sober Henry, "Wake up. Time for school."

As Fukase woke up, he noticed something unusual. He looked beside him to see that same black jacket of Yuna's. He never remembered bringing it upstairs with him. Henry crossed his arms. "And where'd you find that?"
Fukase looked down at the jacket. He looked back at Henry. "The coat rack downstairs." he said. Henry tilted his head slightly. "Come here."

Fukase hesitantly got up. Henry lead him to his room. He sat him on the bed and pulled one of the drawers of his nightstand open. "I want you to take a look at this." he said. He opened a photobook and revealed so many different pictures.

"This was your mother when she was about twelve." he said. He pointed at Yuna who had a silly expression on her face. She was wearing some white shirt overall dress and her hair was fairly short. Fukase smiled weakly. "Awh, she looks so pretty!" he said, looking at her cheeky grin.

"This was her and I when I was eighteen and she was sixteen." he said. Fukase perked up at this one. "Woah, wait, how old are you and mama now?" "I'm thirty-five. Your mother would be thirty-three." he answered. The red head looked shocked. "What year was the picture of you guys taken!?" he asked, baffled by the ages. Henry rolled his eyes and grinned slighly. "It was nineteen-eighty-six"
Fukase flipped to another page before Henry could and saw a unfamiliar picture. A picture of a small Henry and some unfamiliar girl. She had ginger red hair and emerald green eyes with freckles painted all over her face.

"Hey Papa," said he, "Who is that?" Henry paused for a second. He took a deep breath before flipping the page. "An old friend of mine." he said. Fukase was a bit intrigued. "What's her name?" "Alice. Her name was Alice." "Alice? That's a pretty name," said Fukase, "Do you guys still talk?" Henry shook his head.


Henry flipped to another page to see a very small Yuna in a high chair. She looked barely six months. Fukase melted. "Awwwh! She's so cute! She looks like me!" he giggled. Henry nodded. "You look like her more than you look like me. She has some strong genetics. Her and Auntie Teto are a few years apart yet they pass like twins." he explained. Fukase smiled. "Do you look like both of your parents, Papa? Actually, speaking of that, how come we only see Mama's side of the family?"

Henry bit his upper lip. "I don't remember my biological parents. I lived in a catholic orphanage until I was your age and got adopted. My adoptive father died when I was fifteen," he explained more, "My adoptive mother divorced my father and left when I was around nine. I haven't seen her ever since, I don't even know if she's still alive or not. Also, Uncle Ruko is my “cousin”, so he's the only family of my side you know."

Fukase looked at Henry like he just saw a ghost. "What!?" "Mhm. Now come on, school is gonna start soon. You'll be late. Get dressed and let's go." he said, putting the book away. "But Papa, there's still so much I want to know!" "Kiddo, what's so important about family?" he snapped. Fukase broke for a minute. What really was so important about family? Henry sighed. "Go get dressed. I'll be downstairs." he said, leaving Fukase alone. The boy fiddled with his thumb. He went to his room and looked at the black jacket.

He picked it up and held it close. He never wanted to wear or wash it because he was somewhat afraid it would loose Yuna's scent. Fukase sat on his bed and cuddled his mother's jacket, since it was all he had left of her. He felt himself tear up again. He tried to hold back, but he immediately broke down again. He guessed the mention of Yuna and pictures of her didn't make him sad, but her scent happened to fuck with him. He tried sucking it up and got dressed.

"It's the same old-same old filler. Henry being dry and frustrated, Fukase crying over his little mommy, and everything just being so....bland. How about we add a little savory to the sweet?" said Len with a grin, "Let's fuck with it." he chuckled, placing down the chess piece, ‘Dreadful Noon.’ on the board. Rin rolled her eyes. "Dreadful Noon? You're so fucking lame, Len! At least add some happiness for him once in awhile" she said, placing down the piece, ‘Pink Voices’. Len groaned in irritation and put down the piece, ‘Freakshow’. Oh no.

Another day at Greenwood again. Fukase was in the court outside with everyone else waiting for the day to start, but he just had to bump into that blonde brat. Wait, not just any blonde brat.

"I'm so sorry, please, don't do anything!" he begged. The girl turned around to see Katie. No, wait, that isn't Katie. The young girl chuckled. "Fukase, I'm not Kaitlyn! I'm Kate, her twin." she said, holding her hand out for a handshake. She was quite mature and polite for a nine-year-old, unlike Katie. Fukase confusingly shook her hand. "Oh, sorry." he mumbled. The girl shook her head. "It's alright, everyone mixes her and I up alot."
Kate smiled at Fukase sweetly. Unlike her twin, she seemed so nice and happy. She waved goodbye and walked inside the building for the bathroom.

Fukase was left with a strong blush. His faced flushed a bright red color as he watched her walk away. He rubbed the hand Kate shook and flushed a bit harder. Fukase could tell he was gonna have to get used to affection from people, especially girls. He shook his head and turned away to walk away. But before he could, the real blonde brat was standing infront of him.

"You MORON!" she yelled in his face. Fukase backed up. A bit. "Kate— Katie, wait!" he cried. She stomped closer to him, scaring him shitless. Again. Amelia turned up behind Katie and put her hand on her shoulder. "Leave him alone, he's not worth bothering right now." she said. Katie rolled her eyes.

"He's very worth bothering now that he's a motherless freak." she grinned. Fukase's eyes widened. He already broke down this morning, he didn't want to break down again. However, he already felt his lips trembling and his eyes watering. Katie chuckled. "Awh, does the little baby need some milk?" she mocked. Fukase gripped his shirt. Katie pushed him and put her hands on her hips. "I thought boys were supposed to be tough, huh? What's the matter, crybaby? Sad that Mama's not here to save you?" taunted Katie.

Amelia snorted. "Oh my gosh, he's really crying!" she pointed at him, laughing. She was right. Fukase put his head down and started crying. No one else really noticed, since the main court outside was very big and kids were scattered everywhere. Katie slapped her knee like she was in a cartoon following the whole “knee-slapper” gimmick. Fukase backed up a little bit, but the girls kept following him.

Katie grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards her, face to face, direct eye contact.

"Whatchu you gonna do? Tell on us? 'Cause if you do that, it'll only get worse for ya'!" laughed the girl.

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