Chapter 11: Alone Again, Wouldn't You Say?

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"Henry," said Miku, "Yeah, I meant Henry, or whatever."
Rin cocked her eyebrow and sat up. "I think Len inf—" before Rin could even finish, Luka opened the door. "Rin, I tried knocking and—" she stopped, realizing what she was looking at. "Sorry." she whispered, shutting the door. Rin looked back at Miku, only to realize she was, infact, sitting up on her, the position looking quite inappropriate. "Damn it!"

Miku scooted away, her face turning pink. Rin tried her hardest to hold in her wheeze. "Shift the story, shift the story!" she said, chuckling.

Months had gone by. Fukase was finally eight years old, Henry being approximately thirty-five. Henry was exiting his car, wanting to pick up a few things from the supermarket. He got normal things, like eggs, water, milk, and so on. Fukase was at Manny's house, so he wasn't alone at home. Not long ago, Henry had already met Manny's parents, Tessa and Melissa.

It was going well until he glanced at a certain isle, the alcohol isle. He stood there for a few seconds, trying to think. Henry had been so stressed lately. Trying (and failing) to cope with the death of Yuna, now ending up a single father, dealing with work and shitty co-workers, financial issues, and self care issues.

'I haven't in a few years....' he thought. He tried to shake the feeling away, but it kept fucking with him. Without thinking anymore, he grabbed a couple bottles. He wasn't sure why, he just did. As Henry returned home, he stared at the bottles. He wasn't sure what to do, he wasn't sure why he even bought them. He shook his head and hid them in the back of the fridge.

"So," started Manny, "Fukase, what are your plans for this school year? Now that we're in grade three. I'm gonna be nine soon!" Fukase shrugged, leaning against Manny's bed. "I don't know. I mean, maybe make some new friends or something like that." he said. He looked at his friend. Manny snickered. "I plan to make some new friends too! My sister is already making a bunch of new friends. I guess she's just more popular than me."

Fukase giggled and sat straight again. "Okay, how about....we have a friend contest, seeing who can make the most friends!?" Manny shook his head. "Man, you're going too far!" he said jokingly. Fukase shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "Honestly, I dunno what my main plan actually is. Not many people at school even like me and I don't know why." said Fukase, fidgeting with his nails as the mood of the conversation just got sad. "Everyone just makes fun of me after my mama passed away. I just wish people could be nice to me." he whispered. Manny felt tears form in his eyes, feeling terrible for him. He never lost anyone special to him in a long time.

Before the conversation could continue, the door opened. Tessa was standing at the doorway with a soft smile. "Fukase, your dad's here to pick you up," she said softly. "Already? It's only been like ten minutes!" he protested. Tessa rolled her eyes playfully. "No, it's been about two hours!" Fukase pouted and looked at Manny. "Bye, Manny." he said. "Bye bye!"

Fukase walked downstairs and waved to Melissa before turning to Henry, who was standing in the doorway. "Hi, Papa!" he said. Henry ruffled his hair. "He is such a sweetheart." said Tessa, tilting her head towards Fukase, as he was running off into the living room with Delaney, Manny's sister. Henry nodded and whispered, "I'm just happy he has someone to play with to take his mind off his mother." Tessa smiled softly.

"He's welcome to come over any time he'd like, he's good at keeping Manny distracted from sneaking into the snack cupboards." she snickered, then gave Henry a soft assuring smile. "I know it's been hard for the two of you, I'm quite grateful to have someone like you and Fukase." she said. Henry felt his face flush a red color. "It's nothing." he said, shaking his head, "Come on, Fukase."
He made a motion with his hand for him to hurry up. The redhead took his dad's hand and waved goodbye to everyone before walking out the door.

Katie was glaring at Fukase, who was playing with Manny. It was freetime outside, and kids were running and screwing around. She got up from the bench she was sitting on with her friends and walked over to the two, who were playing under a tree. "Hey! Manny!" she called, "Get over here, will ya'?" Manny got up. "Hold on, Fukase." he said, walking over to Kaitlyn. "Why are you always hanging out with that dumb redhead?" she asked, "I'm getting lonely here!"

Manny's cheeks flushed a baby pink. "I just want to make some other friends—!" he said. Katie comically crossed her arms and tapped her foot. "But can you at least —" "Katie, why don't you hang out with Fukase with me?" he offered, smiling. Katie comically tapped her finger on her chin. "Ugh, fine." she mumbled, walking with Manny to Fukase, giving the poor boy a nasty look. Fukase kindly waved at her. "Hello, Katie." he said softly. She rolled her eyes. "Shut up." she whispered.

Fukase crossed his legs and sat in silence. It was mainly just Katie and Manny talking, and him occasionally checking on Fukase. He felt like a third wheel. He felt pretty useless. He remembered the times Katie always hogged Manny from him. He just wanted a friend he could talk to every day, why was that so hard to find? He just got up and walked away, that was the only thing he could really do. He sat on the bench and sighed. He was alone again.

Henry was in his office with his head down, like the usual. He was making imaginary circles with his index finger on his desk. He was tired and bored. He sat up and picked as his thumb, peeling it's skin off. He decided to go downstairs and into the fridge, finding those bottles he bought the other day.

He grabbed one and popped it open without thinking. Has he lost is mind? Who knows, it's two thousand and four.

Hey wait, how's that white haired girl doing?

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