Chapter 9: Nineteen-Seventy.

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"PAPA!" yelled the boy. Alarmed, Henry sprung up from the bed and put his shirt on. He ran to Fukase's room, only to see he wasn't there. "I'm downstairs!" he cried. Henry ran downstairs and found him in the kitchen. His eyes widened as he saw his wife unconscious on the floor.

"What the—!?" he said, confused. He kneeled down. "Wh— Yuna?" he said. He touched her skin, it felt so cool. He saw the blood on her lips. "Yuna, are you okay!?" he cried. He held her arm and checked her pulse. Nothing. "Fukase," he said," "go bring me the house phone."

Fukase nodded and sprinted into the living room to get it.

Len chuckled, licking the remaining blood off his fingers. " odd for her kind." he said. Rin was sitting on the windowsill, looking at her twin in disbelief. "Len, did you have to be so violent?" she asked. He smiled. "It's the cost that matters. I can be as violent as I want." he said. He chuckled and fixed his hair. "Human descendants should be extinct. I often still get flashbacks of the war when we were little. The demons and the angels fighting....the demons were from the flames. The color red." he said.

Rin was a little tired of her brother yapping about their childhood. "Rin, why do you think Yuna's hair and eyes are red!?" "Len, can we talk about this later? You're terrible with context, no one reading is gonna understand you."

Kaito walked in.

"Twins," he said, "dinner is done."
Len scoffed. "Whatever, forget it. Let's go."

Fukase was sitting down, with his eyes closed. He remembered the flashing lights, the sirens, the sight of Yuna being rolled out, questions, the police station, the hospital and everything of that night. That terrible night.

It all went by so fast. When he opened his eyes, he remembered where he was. He was sitting next to Henry in a peaceful sanctuary. He saw candles, flowers, and his mother, laying so sweet in that pretty casket. It all flashed before his eyes. He felt tears roll down his cheeks. He looked beside him to see a crying Teto and Ruko. He saw his grandmother sobbing next to Henry. He didn't see him crying though. He saw his father sit there, wide eyed. He looked like he was shocked. In denial.

Henry had known Yuna since he was around twelve or thirteen, so this took him so off guard. He gripped his thigh, looked down and stayed silent. He felt so guilty to let his happen to her. 'I should have gotten her medicine for her...' he thought. He clenched his teeth, feeling so terrible about the situation.

A few minutes later, Fukase was standing in front of his mother. It felt so disturbing to see her body, just laying there. He felt like she would wake up any second, but he knew she can't. He felt so saddened about it. He looked over and saw Ruko and Teto, and his grandmother, Mayako, praying. He looked the other side to see Henry holding onto his side, as if he's trying not to break down.

Fukase just stood there and looked at his mother in disbelief. He ended up breaking down, feeling the tears run down his cheeks onto the floor. He sobbed, trying not to be too noisy. Teto picked him up and held him in her arms.

"Auntie," he said between sniffles, "will mama not come back? Is she really gone forever?"
Teto closed her eyes for a second and tried to figure out what she was gonna say to her nephew. "Honey, you'll see her again someday. Don't worry." she said. Fukase buried his face in her shoulder and cried. "When is that day? I don't wanna wait too long." he said, sniffling more. "Fukase, I understand. But I'm sorry. She's in a better place now. You'll see her again some day." she whispered.

Mayako touched Yuna's forehead. Her beautiful hair was styled, she was laying so sweet in a beautiful white and silver dress and holding white and yellow flowers. It was so painful to look at her, her face was full of beautiful make up, her nails were painted red.

Teto let Fukase down and he looked at his mother one last time before clinging onto Henry and crying into his torso. When he saw her, he felt a small chill through his body. Almost like he felt Yuna giving him a hug. It felt strange, and it overwhelmed him to the core. Fukase didn't understand why this happened. He didn't know why or how his mother would just die like that. He felt so ashamed and upset, like anyone else would. Overall, the most he could do now was hold his father's hand and let his tears fall out.

Everything was.... empty. It was colder, the atmosphere was gloomier. His mind was foggier. It had been a month since Yuna passed away. Ever since, everything was silent. Fukase never lost anyone like this in his life. He never thought he'd loose his mother in such way. It was devastating. Fukase was walking down the stairs, and found himself in the living room. Yuna's urn was sat on the fireplace. It was a rose-white color with 'さとしゆな' engraved into it along with a '1970–2003' under the engraving. He never knew Yuna was born in nineteen-seventy. Looking over, Fukase saw Henry in the kitchen at the table. His head was down. He was asleep. Fukase sighed and layed on the couch.

All he could think of was Yuna. She was gone. She was really gone. would this effect the relationship between Fukase and Henry?

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