001. normal year

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Natalie kept her promise to Sam and rented a two bedroom apartment. Dean is living with Lisa and Ben, though he does visit Natalie practically every day to make sure she's okay. He did apologize for being a dick -- again -- but Natalie's keeping him on probation for a few months.

Natalie is at the store and grabbing the snacks she finds appealing off the shelf. Too busy deciding on which chips to get, she doesn't realize somebody else is walking towards her until they crash into each other and the items in Natalie's arms crash to the floor.

"Oh, I am so sorry!" She hears a British accent apologize.

"It-- it's fine." Natalie dismisses, slowly bending down to pick some of it up. The man bends down, helping her.

"I am really sorry. I-I was staring at my phone, not paying attention. Absolute idiot." The guy says.

"It's okay. Really." Natalie chuckles. They finish getting everything and Natalie walks down to her cart, putting the items in and the man puts the items he picked up for her in.

"So, uh... how far along are you?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" Natalie asks.

"I-I mean, the--" He gestures towards her figure. "You-you are pregnant, right? Or am I total asshole?" Natalie chuckles at his wince.

"I am pregnant, yes." She nods making him sigh in relief for not making the wrong assumption. "Due in two months."

"Oh. Wow. Well, congrats." The guy says.

"Thank you." Natalie gives him a kind smile.

"Uh, I-I'm Simon." He holds his hand out.

"Natalie." She shakes his hand.

"Ah. Well, pleasure to, um... bump into you, Natalie. And unborn baby." Simon says.

"Babies." Natalie corrects.

"Babies?" He asks.

"Twins." She says.

"Ah. Twice the joy."

"Twice the dirty diapers."

"Well, I see you're not an optimist."

"On the occasion." Natalie smiles. "So, um... are you actually British or just one of those douchebags who pretend to have an accent to get chicks?"

"I am actually British. Scout's honor. I, uh, went to school in Massachusetts and-and met my, uh... well, my ex-wife there." Simon explains.

"So, why'd you stay after the divorce?" Natalie asks.

"Dad! Dad!" A young boy, no older than twelve runs up and stops by Simon. "Can we please get these popsicles? Please, please, please?"

"I-- yeah, sure." Simon agrees. "James, meet Natalie. Natalie, this is my son, James." He introduces.

"Hi." James waves.

"Hi." Natalie politely smiles.

"Well, uh, we should get going. It was nice meeting you." Simon says.

"You, too." Natalie says and the father and son start to leave.

"Actually." Simon turns back. "Um... would it be okay if I got your number?"

"You want my number?" Natalie asks.

"If you want to give it to me." Simon hopefully smiles.

"Okay." Natalie smiles. He gives her his phone and she types her number in. "There any specific reason you want my number, or...?"

anti-hero, supernatural [ 2 ], DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now