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Needing a break from soulless Sam, Natalie had went to stay with Simon and James for a bit. She stayed for a good week and a half, enjoying it too much to leave.

However, once Dean called and informed her that Sam got his soul back, but was unconscious, she immediately got the twins and bid goodbye to Simon and James and went to Bobby's.

Dean explained everything. From Samuel turning on them, to Crowley now being dead, to the deal he made with Death, and to how Death put a wall up in Sam's head to block his memories of Hell.

Death put the wall up ten days ago, Natalie getting there nine days ago, and Sam has still yet to wake up.

Natalie and Dean wait in the basement, looking over when Cas leaves the panic room.

"Well?" Dean asks.

"His soul is in place." Cas says.

"Is he ever gonna wake up?" Dean asks.

"I'm not a human doctor, Dean." Cas says.

"Could you take a guess?"

"Okay. Probably not."

"Oh, well, don't sugarcoat it."

"I'm sorry, but I warned you not to put that thing back inside him."

"What was I supposed to do? Let T-1000 walk around, hope he doesn't open fire?"

"Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it. Like it had been skinned alive, Dean. If you wanted to kill your brother, you should have just done it outright." Cas disappears.

"Great. So, he's probably gonna die and I get to go through that again." Natalie mutters, going upstairs.

~ ~ ~

"Like my daddy always said, just cause it kills your liver don't mean it ain't medicine." Bobby says as Dean and Natalie walk in. He pours them some whiskey. "Sam still asleep?"

"Yeah." Dean answers.

"He'll wake up." Bobby assures.

"Yeah." Dean mumbles. Natalie sits on the couch, slouching down. The twins are currently upstairs and taking naps which she's thankful for, not sure if she has the energy to be her greatest mom self right now.

"Dean, he's been through how much?" Bobby asks. "Somehow, he always bounces back."

"He's never been through this." Dean says. "Job?" He asks, noticing a newspaper on the desk.

"Might be." Bobby says, giving him the paper.

"Can I help? Send me to the library? Anything?" Dean asks.

"Couple goes up in a light plane. Wreckage was just found in the woods." Bobby says.

"Couple of Buddy Hollys?" Dean asks. "Doesn't really seem likes news of the weird."

"Pilot was found 17 miles away, flambeed." Bobby states. "Girl's just gone. No body, no nothing."

"Okay, I'm not changing the channel." Dean says.

"Dean. Natty." The three turn to find Sam in the entry way. Both his siblings stand up.

"Sam?" Dean asks. He hugs Dean tightly. Sam pulls away from Dean and beelines to Natalie, tightly hugging her. Natalie hugs him back, tightening her grip after a moment, this hug feeling much better than the one he gave back when she first found about him being alive.

Sam notices Bobby and lets go of his sister. He walks over and hugs Bobby.

"Good to see you." Bobby says.

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