025. short marriage

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Natalie is at the motel with the twins. They're watching TV while Natalie cleans the toys up, hoping they'll drift to sleep for naptime. Natalie's phone dings and she picks it up, looking at the text from her twin.

348 Twain Ave
Dress nice! Bring twins -- also dressed nice!
Need to talk to you.

"Right. Because I just have formal baby clothes lying around." Natalie rolls her eyes.


After getting dressed and getting the twins in the nicest things they own, Natalie gets to the address that Sam sent her and realizes it's a chapel that people get married at on short notice.

"Oh, God, what now?" Natalie groans. "I always thought this would be Dean."

"Excuse me?" She turns to see Dean walk up. She realizes he's in his fed suit.

"Uncle Dean!" Briar grins, reaching for him.

"Hey, sweetheart." Dean holds his hand out and Briar wraps her hand around his pointer finger.

"Are you getting married?" Natalie asks.

"What? Fuck, no." Dean scoffs. "Are you?"

"Fuck, no." Natalie answers. "So, that... that leaves... Sammy?" She asks.

"I don't know. He probably found a case and is undercover." Dean says.

"Right." Natalie nods. "Yeah, no, that-that makes sense."

They go inside and quietly walk down the hall. The lights flicker and Dean pulls his gun out. Natalie tightens her grip on her twins' hands. They get to the double doors at the end of the hall. Before they can touch them, they swing open to reveal Sam who is wearing a suit. He has a pink boutonniere on.

"Dean. It's okay. You won't need that." Sam lowers the gun. "Come on. Hey, twinnies." Sam leads them inside. There's a woman and man sitting in chairs by the wall. Sam puts the twins in two chairs in the front row and then makes Natalie stand on one side of the altar. Sam makes Dean stand on the other side of the altar.

"I thought you were out, uh, becoming one with the land or some crap." Dean says.

"You got to-- come here." Sam puts Dean in the correct spot. "All right, now..." Sam puts a pink carnation boutonniere on Dean.

"What is this?" Dean asks.

"Uh, apparently, uh, pink is for loyalty." Sam says. "Here." Sam gives Natalie a small bouquet.

"What the heck is happening?" Natalie asks.

"All right, so, what's the pretext? What are we, uh, wedding crashers, huh? We lookin' for some kind of siren or what?" Dean asks.

"No. Nothing like that. All right, um... so, a little sudden. But life is short, so I'll keep this shorter." Sam says. "I'm in love. And I'm getting married."

Natalie stares at him before she starts to laugh. She continues to laugh, slowly stopping when she sees Sam's confused look.

"Oh, my God, you're not joking." Natalie realizes.

"No." Sam says like it's obvious. He glances between his siblings who are both now frozen in shock. "Say something. Like, uh, like congratulations, for example."

"What?" His siblings both ask.

The bridal chorus starts to play and the doors open to reveal a woman in a wedding dress and a veil is covering her face.

"What the hell?" Dean mumbles. The woman stops in front of them and Sam lifts the veil to reveal Becky Rosen.

"Becky?" Dean questions.

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