018. leviathans

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Natalie walks downstairs after getting the twins down for their naps. Her eyes slightly widen when she spots Sam standing by the kitchen table.

"You're awake!" She grins, rushing over and hugging him.

"Yeah. Uh, yeah." Sam chuckles, lightly hugging her back with one arm.

"You sure you're okay?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. My head hurts a little, but... basically." Sam says.

"Seriously?" Dean asks.

"Look, man, I'm as surprised as you are, but, yeah, I swear." Sam says.

"Good. No reason putting a gift horse under a microscope, right?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. So, what happened with Cas?"

"Why don't you come help me with the car, I'll fill you in?"

"Okay." Sam nods. Dean leaves and Natalie grabs the baby monitor before following him.


"A freak lightning strike on the heels of the fire that burned down the Center for Vibration Enlightenment earlier today. Said a spokesman, "this tragedy represents the largest loss in New Age motivational speaker history."" The radio announcer says while Dean works on the Impala.

"Motivational speakers?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, I'm not sure new Cas gets irony any better than old Cas. Of course, old Cas wouldn't smite Madison Square Garden just to prove a point. He is off the deep end of the deep end. And there's no slowing down." Dean says.

"So, what? Try to talk to him again?" Sam asks.

"Sam." Dean says.

"Dean, all we can do is talk to the guy."

"He's not a guy. He's God. And he's pissed. And when God gets righteous, you get the hell out of the way. Haven't you read the Bible?"

"I guess..."

"Cas is never coming back. He's lied to us, he used us, he cracked your gourd like it was nothing. No more talk, we have spent enough on him."

"Okay." Sam says.

"Hand me that socket wrench." Dean says and Sam does so.


Sam jolts awake at the kitchen table, wildly looking around. He looks up at the ceiling where the chain came from, but sees the ceiling perfectly intact.

"Nat? Dean?" He calls. "Bobby?"

Sam gets up, still looking around. He hears a noise upstairs and cautiously goes up. Sam hears another noise and moves closer to the room it came from, realizing it's the room the twins stay in. His heartbeat picks up a little at the idea of them in danger and he rushes over and opens the door.

Natalie turns, Briar in her arms, and Justin is asleep in his crib.

"Hey." Natalie quietly says.

"Hey. I just... I heard a noise." Sam says. "But, uh... just you, I guess." Sam glances around the room.

"Are you okay?" Natalie asks.

"Yeah. Y-yeah, I'm good. Um... do you know where Dean or Bobby are?" Sam asks.

"They're working on the Impala." Natalie informs.

"Got it. Sorry." He leaves, softly shutting the door.


"No. No! No! Come on!" Crowley complains as he appears in Bobby's basement in the devil's trap.

"Don't act so surprised." Bobby says.

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