002. back from the dead

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Natalie walks into Dean's garage, seeing him going through his hunting box.

"Hey." Natalie calls making him jump.

"Nat? What are you doing here?" Dean asks.

"Lisa called. Said you were being... hunter-y." Natalie says.

"Natalie, leave."


"Because if this is something, which it probably isn't, you-- you have kids now, Nat. You have James and Simon."

"And you have Lisa and Ben."

"You have babies. You don't need to be dragged back into this."

"Well, too late. Besides, you said it probably isn't something, right, Yorkie shooter?"

"I didn't shoot the Yorkie."

"Well, you pointed a gun at it."

They're still looking through Dean's stuff when the lights flicker. Dean takes his shotgun out, standing up and he steps in front of Natalie.

They hear a noise from near the Impala, but don't see anything. A soccer ball rolls out and Dean makes his way over to where it came from. He looks in the spot, aiming his gun, but doesn't find anything. Natalie walks up behind him, seeing the empty space.

They turn around, Natalie jumping at yellow eyes in front of her and she bumps into Dean who flinches at the demon.

"Hiya, Dean, Natalie. Look what the apocalypse shook loose." Azazel says. "You have fun sniffing that trail? Cause I sure had fun patting you around."

"You can't be..." Dean mutters, pushing Natalie behind him as they walk backwards while Azazel follows their steps.

"Oh, sure, I can!" Azazel argues.

"No." Dean denies.

"Yeah, kiddo. The big daddy brought your pal Cas back, right? So, why not me? Add a little spice to all that-- that sugar."

Dena shoots him.

"Really? After all we've been through together? You know, you got a great little life here. Pretty lady -- real understanding. Hell of a kid. And how do you keep your lawn so green? And little Natty's life might be a bit better. Handsome guy, great kid, adorable little twins. Too bad I missed their six month birthday."

"You even try to touch them and I swear to God." Natalie growls, going to charge forward, but Dean holds her back. Azazel laughs at her reaction.

"I mean, come on, guys. You never been what I'd call brainy, but did you really think you were gonna get to keep all of this? You had to know that we were coming for you sometime. You can't outrun your past." Azazel starts to strangle both of them. As Natalie passes out, Azazel's grip leaves her.


Natalie wakes up, quietly groaning. She looks around and sits up, stopping when she spots Sam. She looks around, seeing Dean waking up and he sits up, staring at Sam.

"Hey, Dean, Natty." Sam greets, though they don't give any reaction. "I was expecting, uh... I don't know, a hug, some holy water in the face -- something." Sam says, standing up.

"So I'm dead?" Dean asks. "This is Heaven? Yellow Eyes killed me, and now--"

"Yellow Eyes? That's what you saw?" Sam asks.

""Saw"?" The other two question.

"You guys were poisoned. So whatever kind of crazy shit you think you been seeing, it's not real." Sam says.

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