004. vampire dean

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Natalie had opted out of the last few hunts with her brothers, still having trouble with the idea of leaving the twins for weeks on end. She wanted to hunt, but she doesn't want to resemble her dad in any way.

She did stay to celebrate the twins' first birthday, the two now 14 months old. They've both said their first words, Briar doing so about a week ago and Justin said his first word about a week before their birthday.

Simon and James are out of town on a camping trip for James' boy scouts troop. Sam had called Natalie saying they were in Illinois on a case and after some reluctance she joined them.

Natalie pulls up to where the Impala is and gets out.

"Hey." Natalie greets.

"Hey. Ah, you brought the, uh, the rugrats?" Dean asks, seeing the twins in the backseat.

"Oh, yeah, um... camping trip for the other two, so. Also, 14 hour drive with two one year olds. Not fun." Natalie says.

"I can imagine." Dean grimaces. Natalie hands him Justin so she can get Briar out. "Hey, buddy." Dean smiles at his nephew. "Yeah. You go on a road trip?"

"Yea!" Justin grins, messing with Dean's ear.

"Mama!" Briar fusses as Natalie unbuckles her.

"I'm right here, baby." Natalie takes Briar out. Briar babbles and points at Dean, recognizing him. "Yeah, it's your uncle. Well... the one you like, anyway." She mumbles. Briar grins, Natalie wiping some of the drool away.

"Okay. Case with babies. This should be fun." Dean remarks.


"Kristin's a good kid. A little naïve, sure. You try to be a good parent. Girls are hard." Kristin's father says. Natalie glances at Briar who is in Dean's arms.

"Right. Well, we'd just like to find your daughter." Sam says.

"Last door on the left." He informs.

"Thanks." Dean says and they go upstairs.

"What do you think he was talking about?" Dean asks.

"Drugs?" Sam suggests.

They go into Kristin's room, Dean turning the light on. They're greeted by red walls and vampire posters all over the place. Vampire and goth accessories are all of the place, vampire pillows on the bed.

"Oh, it is so much worse." Dean says.

"Vampires?" Sam snorts.

"Ah, these aren't vampires, man, these... these are douchebags." Dean says. Sam shuts the door and Natalie reels back when she turns to find a life-sized cardboard cut out.

"God, those things are terrifying." Natalie mumbles. Justin rests his head on his mom's shoulder, looking around the room.

"Wow." Dean says, looking around. Sam looks around, finding a laptop under one of the pillows on the bed.

"All right." Sam sits at the desk. "Let's see what we can see. All right." He opens the laptop, turning it on. A screaming noise and picture of a fake vampire with an intense gaze pops up making the three siblings flinch. Justin whines, hiding his face in his mom's shoulder.

"Th-that's just... uncomfortable." Sam says.

"What's he so bummed out about?" Dean asks.

Sam hits a few keys, but needs a password. Dean picks up a book that's on the desk.

"Look at this." Dean shows them the cover. A vampire stands in the corner of a girl's room, watching her sleep. "He's watching her sleep. How is that not rape-y?"

anti-hero, supernatural [ 2 ], DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now