022. dean's birthday

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January 24, 1996

Sam and Natalie are at the motel room when Dean and John get back from shooting.

"Pack your shit." John orders his daughter.

"Wh-what?" She asks, confused.

"You're going with Dean." He states making her glance at her older brother who is already packing.

"Where?" She asks.

"You know what happens when you ask questions." John warns making the twelve year old girl cower.

"Yes, sir." She quietly says, diverting her gaze to the floor. She gets up to pack her bag.

"Where are they going?" Sam asks.

"Dean's going on a hunt. Natalie's going with him." John states.

"Why aren't we going?" Sam asks.

"Cause I want some one-on-one time with you." John says.

"But it... it's Dean's birthday." Sam says. Natalie glances at her older brother, trying to gauge his reaction, but he keeps his emotionless soldier act up as he always does.

"Yeah, and he's going on the hunt." John states in a firm tone as a warning for Sam to stop questioning him.

After Dean and Natalie are both packed, John gives Dean the keys to the Impala.

"Don't fuck it up. The car or the hunt." John orders.

"Yes, sir." Dean says.

"And if she gets out of line, you know what to do." John says, nodding towards the closet door. Natalie bites the inside of her cheek as she lowers her gaze to the floor.

"Yes, sir." Dean repeats. He opens the door and lets Natalie walk out first before following, shutting the door behind them. They put their stuff in the backseat of the Impala and then Natalie gets in the passenger seat while Dean starts the car.

"When's the last time you had food?" Dean asks while driving.

"I don't know." She shrugs.

"You don't know?" Dean asks, glancing over at her.

"I..." She sighs. "Yesterday afternoon, I guess."

Dean drives for a little bit longer and then pulls up to a store.

"Just stay here." Den tells her, getting out, and going into the store. After about ten minutes, he walks out with a grocery bag. He gets back in the car, giving the bag to Natalie. She digs through it, pulling peanut butter crackers out.

"Thank you." She says.

"Yeah." He mumbles, driving off.


The case is only a few towns over, but John told Dean to stay the night so he already got a motel room.

"Just stay here. Do not leave the room." Dean tells his sister.

"Okay." She nods. "Are you sure I can't come? I mean, don't you-- don't you need backup? You've never done this alone before."

"I'm fine, Nat." Dean says.

"Really? Cause you seem really anxious. And it's okay to process your feelings, you know? Plus, not dealing with emotions could throw you off your game, and--"

"Natalie, I said I'm fine!" Dean snaps. Natalie flinches a little, leaning back in her chair.

"Sorry." She mumbles, looking down.

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