003. shapeshifting baby and alpha

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Simon processed the reality of monsters and made up with Natalie after they spent a whole night talking about her actual childhood and monsters. They did move, just for some safety reasons. They moved to North Dakota so Natalie could be closer to Bobby, and therefore sometimes Sam. Dean, Lisa, and Ben moved to Michigan.

"So... we finish unpacking and then... what?" Simon asks.

"I don't know. Watch a movie, eat. We need to eat. I'm starving." Natalie says making Simon chuckle.

"We will eat. Trust me, James is gonna be raiding the fridge in about ten minutes anyway." Simon says making Natalie laugh.

"You wanna order something in?" Natalie asks. "Or think they're up for a walk or something?"

"I vote order in. I don't think I'm up for a walk." Simon says.

"Hey. Can I go ride my skateboard around? You know, scope the neighborhood out?" James asks, walking in with his skateboard.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's cool with me." Simon says.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah, just... be careful." Natalie says, doing her best to push the nagging voice in her head back.

"I will." James nods.

"Hey, be back in at least an hour if not sooner. We're ordering out." Simon says.

"Ooh, can we get pizza?" James asks.

"If that gets the most votes, yes." Simon nods.

"Cool. I vote pizza. See you later." James rushes out.

"I was expecting some sort of overprotective move from you." Simon says.

"Oh, no. I... I'm not my dad. It's-- it's bad enough I made you guys move, especially so far. I... I think he'll be fine." Natalie says.

"You sure? You got this worried look in your eye." Simon notes.

"Just... just maternal stuff." Natalie says. "I'm gonna check on the twins."

"Okay." Simon nods and Natalie walks off. She goes upstairs to the twins' new room and goes in, seeing them both asleep in their cribs.

"Hey, babies." Natalie whispers. "You're both actually asleep. God, it's a miracle." She lets out a soft laugh. "And you're both perfectly safe." She smiles.


Natalie is asleep and is woken up by her phone ringing. She blindly reaches around on her nightstand until she finds it and answers it.

"Hello?" She grumbles.

"I need your help -- like, immediately." Sam's voice comes through.

"Are you in danger?" Natalie asks.

"No. But I'm working this job." Sam says.

"Then goodbye." Natalie goes to hang up.

"Wait, wait, wait, Natty. Natty, please." Sam says. "I need you on this."

"Ask Dean." Natalie says.

"I did. I picked him up already." Sam says.

"So you two work the stupid job." Natalie says.

"Natty, we need you on this." Sam says.

"No, you don't. My children need me more." Natalie says.

"Nat, we're ten minutes away. I will kick your front door down." Sam threatens.

"Oh, my God, fine." She groans. "But you're parking in front of my house. I am not driving half asleep."

"Fine." Sam hangs up.

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