031. ballet shoes

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Sam and Natalie walk up to Dean who hangs up his phone. Briar and Justin are near Dean and playing in the snow.

"Frank?" Sam asks.

"You know, having a cranky total paranoid as your go to guy, that's-- it's-- I don't know what it is." Dean says. "What, are you going for, like, the Guinness record of caffeine consumption? That's like your fifth this morning."

"Yeah, well, every time I close my eyes, Lucifer is yelling into my head. It's like I let him in once, now I can't get rid of him." Sam says.

"You know he's not actually..." Dean trails off.

"Yeah. Yeah, no, I know. Uh, try telling that to the volume control inside my brain." Sam says.

"Well, did you try the hand thing?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods. "Anyway, long as I'm awake, check it out." He hands Dean a newspaper.

Natalie goes over to the twins and starts to help them build a small snowman.

"They're saying drugs, but read between the lines. Sounds like she danced her own feet off. Might be our kind of thing." Sam says.

"Dancers. They are toe shoes full of crazy." Dean says.

"You-- and you would know this how?" Sam asks.

"I saw Black Swan. Twice. Hot tutu on tutu action? Come on, Sam. What's wrong with you?" Dean asks.

"Wow. The depths of your--" Sam stops. "Anyway, it's in Portland, a couple hours away. What do you think?"

"Yeah, dancers. Why not? Maybe you'll get some sleep on the way." Dean says.

"Yeah, maybe." Sam says.


"So, the usual. No EMF, no sulfur, no hex junk." Sam says.

"If there's no more dancers to interview on this trip, it could be a bust. Although I hear they have good coffee in Portland." Dean says.

"Dude, that's Seattle. Oh, let's just get the drill over with." Sam says.

They walk up to the desk where a duty officer is standing behind it and talking to another officer. Dean clears his throat, Sam raising his hand to get the guy's attention. The duty officer raises his hand at them, but still talks to the other cop.

"Later." The officer walks away.

"Hi." Sam greets.

"Yeah?" The duty officer asks.

"Uh, we'd like to see the crime scene photos from the Irina Koganzon case, please." Sam says.

"And you would be..." The three show their FBI badges. "Give me a minute."

"Take your time." Dean says.

The duty officer soon returns and hands Dean the file, the hunters looking through it.

"Yeah, I'd call that weird." Dean says.

They go to the evidence room, showing the guy in it their badges.

"Hey, there. How you doing?" Sam asks.

"Okay. What can I do for you three?" The cop asks.

"Well, we need to see the shoes that were involved in the ballet dancer's death." Sam says.

"Didn't figure that would be an FBI deal. But sure. Yeah, right here." He turns to a table. "Damn it, Tracy."

"Who's Tracy?" Dean asks.

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