005. truth serum

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Dean and Natalie are outside and Sam is in line at a hot dog vendor. Dean is on the phone with Bobby while he holds Briar and Natalie is holding Justin.

"Look. Look, there's a birdy." Natalie points to the bird flying and landing on a tree branch. She looks at Justin who watches it with an awestruck expression, eyes wide and sparkling as his smile shows off the five teeth he has.

Natalie softly smiles before looking over at her daughter in Dean's arms, seeing her trying to flatten Dean's hair down.

"I know what I saw, Bobby." Dean states.

"We tested him. Salt, silver -- everything." Bobby states.

"He threw me to that vamp. I'm telling you, it's not my brother." Dean says.

"Well, then he's something we ain't ever seen before." Bobby says.

"Yeah, or it's fuckin' Lucifer." Dean hisses.

"Did you call Cas?"

"'Course I called Cas. He's not answering. Screw him. I can't wait anymore."

"Look, I get it. You're rattled. You're right to be. But let's be professional."

"Professional? He watched me get turned!"

"What you saw... are you sure that's what you saw?"

"Damn it, Bobby, yes. I know."

"Well, "you know" ain't the same as proof. Cause we're talking about--"

"We're talking about doing something about this, and fast. It's not just the vamp, okay? He has been different from the jump. Nat knows it, too."

"All right. All right. I'm with you." Bobby says.

"Are you?" Dean questions.

"Yeah. I'll hit the books, hard. Just don't shoot him yet, all right? Watch him. We need facts. Cause if it ain't Sam... we don't know what it is. And if we're gonna put him down, we need to know how." Bobby states.

"I don't even want to ride in the same car with him, much less work a damn case."

"Get in the car. He's your case." Bobby hangs up. Natalie clears her throat, nodding to Sam as he walks over with the hot dogs.

"Hey. I was just, uh, I was leaving Lisa a message." Dean says.

"Still hasn't called you back, huh?" Sam asks.

"No." Dean shakes his head.

"Sucks." Sam mumbles, giving his siblings a hot dog each.

Justin grimaces at the food in his mom's hand, but Briar's eyes widen with delight when she spots it.

"Yeah." Dean mutters.

"You guys okay?" Sam asks.

"Oh, yeah. Peachy." Natalie says, giving Briar a small part of the hot dog. She tears off a small piece of the bun and gives it to Justin.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How are you?" Dean asks.

"Me? Great. Here, look. Check this out. Think it might be something." Sam says, handing Dean the newspaper he has. "Four people, out of nowhere, all in the last couple of weeks. What do you say?"

"Yeah. Sounds like a plan." Dean agrees.

"Let's go." Sam says.

"Uh, we gotta stop by some sort of place for food, though. That way Justin isn't living off of bread." Natalie says.

"Deal." Dean nods.


Dean and Natalie look through the victim's house while Sam talks to the victim's sister. Dean is holding Briar and Natalie is holding Justin.

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